There is No “I” in Arts

Arts-related nonprofit organizations in communities in Central Indiana share similar values, missions and challenges. Bringing these like minds to the same table makes us all stronger. By offering access to funding opportunities, invitations to collaborate and more, we encourage organizations to become our Partner.

Noblesville Creates is also the Regional Arts Partner for Region 7 for the Indiana Arts Commission. If you’re looking for grants and other opportunities for Central Indiana artists and organizations, click here or scroll down for the latest news.

Featured Partners

Caravan Classes
Kiln Creations

How To Become a Noblesville Creates Partner

Nonprofit organizations and small businesses are stronger together. If your organization or company creates art or works with artists, we want to partner with you! By working together, we can grow your customers and audiences, advocate for the needs of the arts, and celebrate your victories!


Any nonprofit organization that has a stake in the arts can become our partner. 

  • You’re invited to annual partner meetings to share goals & meet other arts groups
  • All of your arts events that take place in our service area that are submitted to Hamilton County Tourism will be displayed on our website.
  • You will receive periodic newsletters about new opportunities for arts organizations
SHARE | $250

We want to share what you are doing to make our Arts Community great!  Here’s how:

  • Receive all of the benefits listed above (including assistance with an event), plus:
  • You will be featured in the “Partner Events” section of our monthly newsletter
  • All of your events will be included on our website calendar
  • We’ll include your events in our monthly Current ads
  • When possible, we will include your events as special features in our social media feeds

Events can be hard to organize, especially when you are relying on volunteers. We can provide administrative help to keep your program on track and connect it to other resources!

  • Receive all of the benefits listed above, PLUS
  • One of our staff will join your event committee and provide administrative support for that event!

We have many ways to connect with big crowds, arts enthusiasts, and local leaders. We can introduce you to all of them:

  • Receive all of the benefits listed above (including assistance with an event), plus:
  • Your organization will get a ¼ page ad in one or more of our Arts Guide Magazines
  • We will feature your organization at one of our events:
    •  Your organization can take over a section of our campus for a First Friday or one of many other events
    • Our staff will help you select the event that best fits your needs 
    • At the event, you can collect contact information, sell items, present hands-on activities, stage a performance, or whatever best shows you off.  Our 20% commission rates will apply to all sales and transactions.

Region 7 Arts Partner Program


Noblesville Creates serves as the Regional Partner for the Indiana Arts Commission to connect with an assist arts organizations and artists in Central Indiana. If you are in one of the Region 7 counties, you can subscribe for email updates or peruse funding opportunities below.  Please, email for more information.  Noblesville Creates wants to send out a big thank you to the Indiana Arts Commission for their financial support.

Guidelines for Arts Project Support FY 26 have been released. Arts Project Support is a core grant program of the Indiana Arts Commission (IAC), provides funding to 501c3 nonprofits, units of government, and schools to support arts projects that occur during the grant period: July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2026. Some examples of eligible projects include a one-time art event, a single performance, an exhibition, an educational workshop, or series of related arts activities such as art classes or training sessions that are open to the public whether free or for a fee. The purpose of the program is to provide broad access to arts opportunities throughout the state. Applicants may request up to $4,000 to support their project, and there is no match requirement.

Guidelines for the Arts Organization Support FY 26 have been released. The Arts Organization Support is a core grant program of the Indiana Arts Commission (IAC) that provides grant support for 501c3 Arts Organizations with 2 years of funding.  The goal of the Arts Organization Support Program is that a wide range of the state’s arts organizations can make high-quality artistic experiences available to both residents and visitors through equitably distributed and meaningful grant awards.

Current grantees and new applicants are invited and encouraged to learn about the grant categories, the online grant system, application process, and changes for this year. Grant Information Workshops will be hosted at the state level by the Regional Arts Partner representatives. These free workshops will be virtual, conducted through Zoom. Times listed for workshops below are EST.

If you are interested in this program, please reach out to Ryan Shelton- and he can provide counsel and application review.  Make sure to check out the guidelines linked above.

Click here to go directly to the Grant Portal.


Arts Operating Support:

Arts Operating Support Grants are for non-profit organizations whose main purpose is art.  AOS grants will open again in 2025.

Arts Project Support:

Guidelines for Arts Project Support FY 25 have been released. Arts Project Support is a core grant program of the Indiana Arts Commission (IAC), provides funding to 501c3 nonprofits, units of government, and schools to support arts projects that occur during the grant period: July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025. Some examples of eligible projects include a one-time art event, a single performance, an exhibition, an educational workshop, or series of related arts activities such as art classes or training sessions that are open to the public whether free or for a fee. The purpose of the program is to provide broad access to arts opportunities throughout the state. Applicants may request up to $4,000 (new) to support their project, and there is no match requirement.


Any Central Indiana artist or organization with an interest in the arts could qualify for funding and opportunities through the Regional Arts Partner program. Click below to let us know that you’d like to receive:

  • Occasional emails from the Indiana Arts Commission about their latest news, projects, and funding opportunities
  • Occasional emails from Noblesville Creates about new opportunities or updates on your grants and projects.
  • Connections to resources and other partners in the Region who can help you accomplish your goals (we will not share your contact info without your permission).
Funding Reimbursement Requests

We’re here to help! Click the link to send us an email with your questions or call 317-452-3690.

  • We can answer questions about Indiana Arts Commission grants
  • We can sign you up to become a grant reviewer
  • We can connect you with other organizations, businesses, artists or resources that can help you achieve your goals!
Submit Your Art Related Events

Submitting arts related events…

To accurately and efficiently keep up with this huge task of tracking all our Community Partner events, please submit your art related events to in the following standardized format:

Event Title
Date & Time
Cost for event
Description of the event
Website/event info. Link

Include contact person/info. (who can be reached for event questions)
Please also submit your logo or event related image if one is available

Partner Stories

Upcoming Opportunities

Let us know how we’re doing

Nickel Plate 1

Our mission is to cultivates arts resources to enrich the lives of everyone who experiences our community. We can’t achieve that mission without feedback from you.  We have two surveys related to our overall performance – each should take you 5 minutes or less to fill out.  Please consider taking one or both of them to help us grow and best serve you! Thank you!

Apply for Funding

Nickel Plate 1

Noblesville Creates offers non-profit organizations up to $1,000 in funding for events and/or projects that build community around the arts in the communities of eastern Hamilton County, from Fishers to Atlanta. To apply for funding, simply fill out the form here. Our staff will review your application within one week of receipt. Funding decisions are based on the order in which applications are received, the strength of the application, its connection to the arts community and the availability of funds. For more information, please contact

Take our Partner Satisfaction Survey via SurveyMonkey

Take our Staff Performance Survey via SurveyMonkey