
Bam! Pow! Boom! Comic Book in a Day returns this January! This year, we have exciting new features to allow artists of all ages from all over the world to compete at their best and have the most fun!

Friday, January 17th will be our online competition, where comic artists can participate remotely via Zoom. Then on Saturday, January 18th, we will hold our in-person competition at the Ignite Studio at the Fishers library. This year, we will have two divisions: a 4-hour competition for kids and a 7-hour competition for adults and teens. The artwork produced during the in-person competition will be displayed at the Ignite Studio. 

Although this event is technically a contest, our primary goal is for every contestant to have fun spending the day being creative and making their very own comic book from scratch. We are also eager to welcome comic fans of all kinds to meet our professional comic book artists/judges, to explore other comic-themed activities at the Ignite Studio, and to marvel at the amazing work made by each of the contestants.

Special Note: Contestants who register for the online competition after Jan 9th may not receive our supplies in time for the event. However, they are welcome to use their own supplies or work digitally. We will contact you to confirm that you will still be able to compete.

Here's what to expect from Comic Book In a Day:

2025 Workshops - January 9th, 14th, & 16th!

To prepare for the Challenge or to celebrate your love of comics, you can also sign up for free one-hour workshops prior to the event at Fishers Library from 6:30 to 7:30pm. You can attend these workshops even if you don’t plan to attend the Challenge.  

January 9th, 6:30 to 7:30pm: “How to Start Your Comic Book”: This workshop will help you develop your story in words and pictures, reviewing the basic building blocks of comic books. Taught by Stuart Sayger

January 14th, 6:30 to 7:30pm: “Great Comic Book Storytelling”: If you are a fan of comics or are looking to make your own book, this workshop will explore aspects of what makes sequential art so great! Taught by Bill Wilkison.  

January 16th, 6:30 to 7:30pm: “Advanced Comic Books”: Our professional comic book artist will reveal tips and tricks to enhance your sequential art skills just in time for Comic Book in a Day or just for fun.  Taught by Erik Lundorf.  


Registration for the workshops will open on December 25th- Check Ignite’s Calendar for the latest and to sign-up!

Workshop schedules and formats are subject to change.

January 17th 2025 ZOOM International Competition- $50 Entry Fee

Special Note: Contestants who register for the online competition after Jan 9th may not receive our supplies in time for the event. However, they are welcome to use their own supplies or work digitally. We will contact you to confirm that you will still be able to compete.

Friday, January 17th will be our online competition remotely via Zoom. Designed for aspiring adult pros, this new competition will provide a platform for this event to reach world-wide. Contestants will log in at 9 a.m. eastern and stay connected to Zoom until 4 p.m. eastern. All online artwork submissions are due at 4 and contestants will present their stories to one another starting at approximately 4:15 p.m.


For $50, contestants receive drawing supplies, guidance and inspiration from Featured Artists, and a printed copy of your work in a Comic Book Anthology.

January 18th 2025 Adult/Teen Division Competition- $50 Entry Fee

Note- Contestants registering after January 12th may receive different supplies and lunch may not be guaranteed.

January 18th, we will hold our in-person competition at the Ignite Studio at the Fishers library.

The 7-hour Adult & Teen competition will kick off at 9 a.m. with our customary pep-talk and review of the rules. Contestants have until 4 p.m. to complete their story and turn in up to 8 pages. Contestants will then present their stories to the assembly of judges and fellow artists starting around 4:30 p.m.


For $50, contestants receive drawing supplies, guidance and inspiration from Featured Artists, and a printed copy of your work in a Comic Book Anthology.

The artwork produced during the in-person competition will be displayed at the Ignite Studio. Each page will be scanned and, along with the submissions from the on-line competition, and printed in a trade-paperback style comic book! Each registered contestant will receive a copy of the printed book once it is finished.

January 18th 2025 Youth Division Competition- $30 Entry Fee

Note- Contestants registering after January 12th may receive different supplies and lunch may not be guaranteed.

January 18th, we will hold our in-person competition at the Ignite Studio at the Fishers library.

The 4-hour Youth (12 & under) competition will kick off at 10:30 a.m. and contestants will have until 2:30 to complete their story and turn in up to 4 pages. Contestants in the Youth division will present their stories to the judges and fellow competitors starting around 3 p.m.


For $30, contestants receive drawing supplies, guidance and inspiration from Featured Artists, and a printed copy of your work in a Comic Book Anthology.

The artwork produced during the in-person competition will be displayed at the Ignite Studio. Each page will be scanned and, along with the submissions from the on-line competition, and printed in a trade-paperback style comic book! Each registered contestant will receive a copy of the printed book once it is finished.

2025 Event Highlights for Visitors on January 18th- FREE to ATTEND

2018 Comic Book in a Day participants
Calling all sequential art and superhero fans for our annual Comic Book in a Day event!

  • Featured Comic Book Artists: Nationally recognized, professional comic book artists will support our Challenge Artists, by providing expert advice, demonstrations, and stories from he comic book industry. They will be creating artwork throughout the day and will serve as judges for the Comic Book Challenge. They will also host free workshops in the days leading up to the Challenge! Hosts will help competitors with their work and keep the day fun and energetic.  You can also meet past winners of the event.
  • Challenge Artists: Come watch our competitors work on their original comic book pages. This event draws all ages and abilities. You do not want to miss these inspirational, clever, and fun creations!
  • Drop-in Activities: The Ignite Studio will have several comic-book themed activities for all ages: Articulated Superheroes, ZINE-Colle, Comic Book Word Pins, and a Superhero Photo Booth. You can also enjoy our Comic Book Timeline and other displays.
  • Presentations: Each Challenge Artist will present their finished artwork. Youth (ages 12 & under) will present around 2:45pm and the Adults/Teens will present around 4:15pm. This is always the most fun part of the day! You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll be amazed by the Challenge Artists’ creativity! This is open to all!
  • Special Print: You can purchase this unique print for $10 and have it signed by our 3 professional judges and the 2024 contest winner!

Note: all plans are subject to change. Please check back and sign up for our newsletter to stay in the Comic Book in a Day loop!

2025 Awards Ceremony: Wednesday, January 22nd, 6:30 p.m. at Ignite Studios

Stuart Sayger showing off the Ring of Power!

Awards Ceremony: While the Featured Artists/Judges will each award one prize at the end of Comic Day in a Day challenge, the top awards will be presented at the Awards Program.  This program is Wednesday, January 22nd, from 6:30 to 7:30pm at the Ignite Studio of the Fishers Public Library.

This free event is open to contestants, friends, and the public.

You can also follow along on our Facebook page, if you can’t attend in person!

Note: all plans are subject to change. Please check back and sign up for our newsletter to stay in the Comic Book in a Day loop!

Rules and Regulations for The Challenge

The Comic Book in a Day Challenge is a unique endurance tests for artists of all ages and skill levels. Can you create a comic book from scratch in short amount of time? We guarantee that it is both easier AND harder than you think, but we can also guarantee that you will have fun meeting other artists, challenging yourself, and being a part of this one-of-a-kind event.

Before you commit to the Challenge, please review the newly-updated rules & regulations:  Final 2025 Comic Book in a Day Rules Regulations.docx

2025 Comic Book in a Day Winners
Previous Years' Info:
2024 Comic Book in a Day Winners

Best Overall: Joey Haas
Best Art: Kenna Al-Sayed
Best Story: Helen Raza
Best Color: Thaddeus Shipley
Best Black & White: Taby Bauerle
Best Dialogue: Lillian Swetnam
Emerging Talent: Brianna Pawlowski
Most Creative: Raine Augenstein
Most Polished: Lina Carter
Most Ambitious: Henry Schmackers
Most Fun: Laura Farkas
Best Panel/Page #1: Sarah Evans
Best Panel/Page #2: Phoebe Jean-Pierre
People’s Choice: Grant Gordon

2023 Comic Book in a Day Winners

Best Art & Judges Choice: Matthew Inabnitt

Best Overall & Most Polished: Brianna Stevens

Best Panels: Brigid Baier and Brett Wailan

Best Story: Matthew Vincent

Bob Hall’s Judge’s Choice: Lilian Swetname

Emerging Artist: Grant Gordon

Funniest: Leah Leach

Gavin Smith’s Judge’s Choice: Avalyn Chau

Most Ambitious: Henry Schmackers

Most Creative: Kai Adams

Stuart Sayger’s Judge’s Choice: Matt Inabnitt

2022 Comic Book in a Day Winners

Best Overall: Ella Satterfield
Best Art: Luis & Mateo Chavez
Best Story: Greg Clack
Emerging Artist: Coco Jay
Most Ambitious: Joey Haas
Most Creative: Thadeus Shipley
Most Polished/Professional: Erik Lundorf
Best Image #1: Sarah Butler Evans
Best Image #2: Cleo Tudor
Judges’ choices: Dexter Tudor & Cam Reinhardt, Eric Utterback, Henry Nguyen, Soren Acker
People’s Choice Award: Soren Acker

2021 Comic Book in a Day Winners

Congratulations to our 2021 winners:

Best-Overall: Kevin Bixby
People’s Choice: Ella Satterfield
Best Story: Joseph Haas
Best Art: Kenna Al-Sayed
Best Emerging Artist: Ella Satterfield
Most Ambitious: Dexter Tudor
Most Fearless: Eve Eggleston
Most Creative: Thaddeus Shipley
Best Panel/Next Year’s Cover:
Gabrielle Zacherl and Raquel DiGregory
Best Panel/Next Year’s Cover: Angela Spires

Judge’s Favorites:
Stuart Sayger: Mia Noel
Victor Dandridge: Kelsey Simpson
Yuri Duncan: Jason Funk
Sarah Butler: Albert Cheung

2019 Comic Book in a Day Winners

Here are the award winners for our 2018 Comic Book in a Day:

Best Overall: Raquel & Gabrielle Zacherl
Best Art: Lina Carter
Best Story: Christina Erin
Most Creative: Andi Overman
Most Ambitious: Jason Funk
Best Panel: Miranda Luttrell, Sarah Butler
Emerging Artist: Aaron Boggs

2018 Comic Book in a Day Award Winners

Here are the award winners for our 2018 Comic Book in a Day:

Best Overall: Kenna Al-Sayed
Best Art: Erik Lundorf
Best Story: Gabrielle & Raquel Zacheri
Most Creative: Yuri Duncan
Most Ambitious: Mason Yeater
Best Panel: Alyse McMiller, Joey Haas
Rising Star: Jason Funk



Baird Creative :: Design Studio

Additional Sponsors Include: Gal’s Guide Library, Moden Agency, Comic Carnival, Ringling College of Art & Design, Collectors Emporium, and Knight’s Hall

We have opportunities for sponsorships for our 2025 challenge! Contact Aili or fill out the form below to find out how to sponsor this amazing event!

Are you interested in becoming a sponsor for this event?

Each person, organization and business has a thread to contribute to make the fabric of our community a better place to live. You can share your thread with us by becoming a corporate sponsor. Complete the form here to start a conversation.

Featured Artists for 2025


Stuart Sayger

Stuart Sayger is a professional illustrator who works primarily in the comic book industry. Known for his moody atmospheric art Sayger first broke into the industry as the creator of SHIVER IN THE DARK, producing the comic independently from start to finish.

Sayger’s recent published projects include: “Kiss”, “Vampirella vs Reanimator”, “Army of Darkness”, and “G.I.Joe”. Sayger has also produced covers for “Xena Warrior Princess” and “Dejah Thoris” for Dynamite Entertainment, as well as”Rom” and “Micronauts” for IDW, among many others. Stuart also recently released the 20th Anniversary edition of his own comic line “Shiver in the Dark.” Toy fans will remember Stuart’s work from a 2-year run drawing the “Bionicle” comic book based on the popular Lego toy line of the same name. The series was translated to 8 different languages and distributed internationally boasting the largest circulation of any comic book in the world!

Deon “Supr Dee” Parson

Deon Parson, also widely recognized under the pen name “Supr Dee,” is a professional cartoonist from Indiana. With a profound passion for comic creation, Supr Dee aims to infuse each panel with joy within his comics “Life With Kurami”, “Pen & Ink”, and “Rosebuds”. He has collaborated and has done client work for brands such as SEGA, Lofi Girl, ToeJam & Earl, Eddsworld, and with Youtubers such as Scott the Woz and Choctopus.
Currently, Supr Dee is creating his Ringo-nominated comic strip “Rosebuds“, which is being published in newspapers nationwide by King Features Syndicate, as well as his Glyph-award nominated comic series “Pen & Ink“, which is being published as a comic strip in magazines throughout central Indiana.

Websites: www.suprdee2.com, www.twitter.com/suprdee2, www.instagram.com/suprdee2

Gavin Smith

Gavin Smith is an artist and sometimes writer from Indianapolis, Indiana who’s worked on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Heartpiercer, Godzilla, Star Trek: the Mirror War, Heavy Metal Magazine, Ghost in the Shell, and Dead Legends. His clients include IDW, Dark Horse Comics, Boom! Studios, Image Comics, AT&T, Webtoon, and several others. He also currently teaches the online Narrative Art program for the Kubert School.




Hosts will be available during the in-person event to answer questions, provide inspiration, and keep the day running smoothly.

Erik Lundorf

Hello! I am a graphic designer, freelance illustrator, and graphic novel author/illustrator. My love for comics started in the 4th grade as the school newspaper cartoonist, producing the highly coveted (sarcasm) comic strip titled “Lambchop and Pig-out”. I was the cartoonist for each of my subsequent school newspapers, including DePauw University, where I studied studio art-oil painting and art history (class of ’09). In 2016, I began freelance work in the education industry with Phunics–Fun Phonics, illustrating 20+ literacy lesson-plan books for youth. In addition, I’ve used my love for graphic novels to stylistically influence murals including those made for The Indiana Pacers, the Indiana State Fair, and the Condado Tacos restaurant chain. In the summer of 2023, I self-published my debut graphic novel, “Revealed!”, a humor based, 84-page story about a gender reveal baby shower. Currently, I am collaborating on a mural installation for the Hamilton East Library (Fishers) children’s section, continuing work with Phunics, and producing my next graphic novel (for kids) about a grumpy housecat titled “Kitty Sunshine.”

Victor Dandridge

Writer.  Publisher.  Graphic Designer.  Educator.  Victor Dandridge is a leading, new voice for innovation and production within the self-publishing market.

He’s found acclaim with his own imprint, Vantage:Inhouse Productions, the weekly pop culture podcast series, N2 the Chatterverse, as well as being a featured moderator and pop culture commentator at conventions across the country.  Wanting not only to entertain, but also to educate, Victor launched his U Cre-8 Comics line – a unique bridge between comics and classroom fundamentals.

In 2021, he inked a 1st Look Exclusive deal with Aha Media™, a multimedia development firm.  Together, they aim to bring properties like WONDER CARE PRESENTS: THE KINDER GUARDIANS, THE TROUBLE W/LOVE, and THE SAMARITAN to film, television, and animation outlets across the globe.


@hardest_work_man_in_comics on Instagram

Get Involved

We’re weaving together the fabric of our community. Add your thread during Comic Book in a Day by becoming an event sponsor or attending! If you’re into comic books or simply interested in sequential art, we’ve got something for you.

We’re Blushing

“I loved the community aspect of working with other artists. It was great kicking around various ideas with other artists, as well as just watching them create in their own space. The creativity of the environment really helped feed my creativity and artistic energy.”

– Chris Dunn –

Epic Comic Book Prize

You’re invited to the Challenge Artist Awards ceremony at 6:30 pm on Wednesday, January 22nd to see the sum total of all of the artists’ hard work, celebrate with those who stood up to the challenge, and find out who will take home the official Ring of Power (even cooler than Green Lantern’s ring!). Join us for the fun — for free!

You know the value of a picture, so instead of reading 1,000 words, check out photos from past Comic Book in a Day events.