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Jim Anderson’s story as an artist is truly inspiring as he embodies both right- and left-brain talents. While he enjoyed creating art since youth (with photography, sculpture, drawing, acrylics, and watercolors as his favorite media), Jim went on to pursue a career in IT and...

Belinda Short is a fabulously imaginative 'mixed media' artist that also creates sculptures, paintings, digital art, jewelry, resin art, textile art, and more. From papercraft to more traditional art forms, she is truly diverse in style and media. Short has even forayed into bookmaking in...

Craig Ogden is a painter that creates from a place of deep emotion. He personifies the term “labor of love.” Ogden started putting brush to canvas again after a decade-long hiatus from art as a means to escape his daily routine. Pushing paints around a...

Melissa Bruhn excitedly debuts her first solo exhibit at Noblesville Creates in January 2020. Bruhn will showcase a two-part theme, "Polarity".  This theme will firstly highlight the literally “polar” creatures who may no longer be with us in a few years as their polar habitat...

Simona Buna has been an artist all her life. Harkening back to her childhood, she remembers her house as smelling of turpentine and oils and being filled with her mother’s and father’s canvases. One day when she was thirteen, she picked up a canvas herself...

Did you know? Nickel Plate Arts is becoming Noblesville Creates!

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