“Sporting Inspiration” Exhibit

“Sporting Inspiration” Exhibit

Mar12 - 152025

107 S 8th St, Noblesville, IN 46060

From From: 12:00 PM to 05:00 PM

At Judge Stone House Gallery

107 S 8th St, Noblesville, IN 46060


J.C. Seig / (317) 452-3690, jseig@noblesvillecreates.org

A woosh of a ball through a net, a crack of a puck, the roar of a crowd. Sports ignite many emotions, from the thrill of victory to the devastating losses. Artists of all mediums have been welcomed to showcase works that celebrate their favorite sports as March Madness kicks off this month.

Visit the full "Sporting Inspiration" exhibit in the the Judge Stone House Gallery during open hours between March 7-29, or during the First Friday open house reception on March 7, from 6-9 p.m. The Judge Stone House is part of the Noblesville Creates campus located at 107 S. 8th Street in Noblesville. Campus is open to the public Wednesday through Friday, 12-5 p.m., and Saturdays 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

Please Note: This is a traveling exhibit! “Sporting Inspiration” will be hosted at the Judge Stone House gallery from March 7-29, then Noblesville City Hall from April 4-25.

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J.C. Seig

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