06 Mar Applications Open for Artclipse Artist Vendors
We’re coordinating a festival on Noblesville’s courthouse square to celebrate the Total Solar Eclipse, share some incredible artwork by our local artists, and create art together with community members! Please read through the following expectations before completing the application below.
Rules & Regulations
Application Deadline: Monday, March 25th
Acceptable Vendor Items: Noblesville Creates strives to promote local creatives and our small business partners. Because of this, we are only accepting vendors with handmade items of original design. Each application will be reviewed by the Noblesville Creates staff to ensure the quality and a variety of products. Artists with a Noblesville address will be given preference. No food vendors will be accepted at this time.
Artclipse Vendor Date and Time: Sunday, April 7th, from 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Location: Courthouse Lawn on the Downtown Square in Noblesville.
Registration to Sell: All vendors must complete the application prior to the event.
Space Reservation: Spaces are assigned by the Noblesville Creates staff.
Booth Specifications: Vendors will be given a 10 x 10 foot space. It is highly recommended that vendors use a tent in addition to any tables or other booth set ups. It is also recommended that vendors use tent weights for each leg, approximately 40lbs per leg. Tent stakes are prohibited due to utility lines being present on the square property.
Booth Cost: Free! If you’d like to support more events like this, you can click here to explore our Artist Membership options.
Set Up/Tear Down Expectations: Noblesville Creates Staff will have very limited flexibility the day of the event. Due to this, Artist Vendors will be expected to set up and tear down with very little or no help from Noblesville Creates Staff.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact J.C. at jseig@noblesvillecreates.org.