25 May Artist Opportunity: Rain on Main
Local artists (professionals and talented adult amateurs) are invited to participate in the fourth annual Rain on Main event, a painted rain barrel art contest that will include cash prizes in two categories as well as exposure for participating artists and their work.
Rain on Main is designed to help educate the public about the value of water conservation. The event is sponsored by the Carmel Utilities, the Department of Storm Water Management and the Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District.
The painted rain barrels will be on display in the Carmel Art’s and Design District beginning with the IU Health North Gallery Walk on August 11th. The barrels will remain on display throughout the district during the next week before being re-located to a display area at the Carmel Farmer’s Market on August 18th. In addition to having the painted barrels judged by experts, there will also be a “People’s Choice” selection based on votes from the public. Thanks to Anthony’s Chophouse, cash prizes of $200, $100, and $50 will be awarded to the first, second, and third place artists in the Art Show and the People’s Choice contest winner and runner-up will receive $100 and $50. A silent auction, where the barrels will be auctioned off to the highest bidders, will be held during the Farmer’s Market with net proceeds used to fund water education signage in Carmel Clay Parks.
Rain barrels are growing in popularity across the country and decorated barrels are not only nice to look at, but are a great way to save water and help the environment. Artists are invited to paint a rain barrel with an original design. The rain barrels will come primed, thanks to the generous in-kind support by Carmel businesses Touch ‘N Go Collision and Sherwin-Williams and will be ready to be painted when picked up by area artists. The event and artists will be featured on sponsor organization social media as well as on the Rain on Main website, www.RainOnMain.com.
Interested artists are encouraged to visit the Artist Info Page at www.RainOnMain.com to learn more, see previous year’s barrels, and apply to participate. Once your participation is confirmed, you will be able to pick up a rain barrel to begin work. The finished product will be due back no later than July 27. Questions may be directed to Claire Lane at 317-773-2181 or Claire.lane@hamiltoncounty.in.gov.