17 Jul Artist Opportunity (RFQ): Riverview Health Foundation – Infusion Center Sculpture
Riverview Health Foundation seeks an artist to design, fabricate and install a large, landmark sculpture outside of their new Infusion Center. The sculpture will be viewed through the picture windows that make up the north side of the new center. The sculpture is intended to visually engage and inspire patients as they receive their infusion treatments and any friends and family who accompany them to their treatment. The sculpture should be visually interesting, while embracing the needs and values of the Infusion Center, and complementing the surrounding landscape (site plans and descriptions included in Resources and Appendix sections). In addition to being included in all press about this sculpture project, the Artist will be acknowledged on a plaque at the sculpture site.
DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION:By 5:00 p.m EST on Mon Aug 12, 2019 **EXTENDED**
To be eligible to submit for this opportunity, artists must:
- Be able to meet all of the project requirements (see below)
- Be age 18 or over
- Be willing to meet all contractual obligations and adhere to a strict budget and timeline
- Carry liability insurance and list Riverview Health as an additional insured for the duration of the design, fabrication and installation process.
- A sculpture design that is no less than 6 feet, and no more than 12 feet tall.
- A sculpture design that complements the surrounding architecture and landscaping.
- Note: A large berm will rise behind the sculpture, helping to block patients from the noise and distraction of traffic on nearby SR 32.
- More landscaping information is available in the resource section
- Collaboration with Infusion Center/Riverview Health Foundation, Noblesville Creates staff to confirm a design that is community friendly and inspires patients, friends, and family.
- Efficiency and timeliness: this project must be completed by early Nov, 2019 (construction and weather permitting).
This project will carry a commission fee of $35,000 for design, fabrication, and installation of the artwork, including all material costs, transportation costs, footings and foundation work, and any other costs related to completing the project. This fee is to cover all of the artists’ compensation and anticipated expenses. Payment will be made in two installments: ½ will be paid to the artist at the first meeting between the artist and the design approval team from Riverview and Noblesville Creates, with the remaining ½ to be paid upon completion and approval of the project.
Concept Plans for Infusion Center:
Renderings of Internal Views of Outdoor Sculpture Garden:
Character Examples of Potential Surrounding Landscaping:
More information on general plans for the Riverview Health Foundation Infusion Center can be found in the Appendix section at the end of this post.
Artists must submit their qualifications by 5:00 p.m EST on Mon Aug 12, 2019. Representatives from Riverview Health Foundation and Noblesville Creates will review submitted qualifications and select up to three finalists to interview further.
Note: While this is the intended selection process, in the event of an insufficient number of qualified applicants, Riverview Health Foundation reserves the right to invite an artist to propose, or to directly select an artist and also reserves the right to cancel the opportunity entirely at any point and for any reason.
Finalists will be selected based upon the following criteria:
Technical Ability: Artist’s submission indicates professionalism, skill with materials and techniques, and indicates the capacity to meet the requirements of this project
Artistic Quality: Artist’s past work is appropriate to its context, innovative, creative and stylistically distinctive
This timeline represents the project as it now appears. Changes may be necessary as the project progresses:
- Release Request for Qualifications: July 17th
- Deadline for qualification submissions: 5:00 p.m EST on Mon Aug 12, 2019 **EXTENDED**
- Notification of Status: on/by Mon Aug 19, 2019
- Design Approval: on/by Fri Sept 6, 2019 or earlier
- Fabrication: Sept – Oct 2019
- Installation: Oct – Early Nov 2019
- Unveiling & Dedication: Early Nov 2019
Artists must submit the following information to amcgill@noblesvillecreates.org (please note: submission materials will not be returned to applicants).
- Applicant information: Please include the following information in your cover letter:
- Artist name
- Mailing address, including city, state and zipcode
- Phone number
- Email address
- Website (if applicable)
- Cover Letter: In addition to the above contact information, please include:
- A statement about your interest in this project
- A high-level vision for your project’s design
- And any personal or professional connection you have to Riverview Health Foundation and how that connection influences your interest in this project.
- Please also include a statement about how your previous work experience qualifies you for this opportunity.
- Examples of previous artwork: Submit 2-10 digital images in .jpg or .pdf format of past work. Please limit the file size of each image to 2MB or less. If possible, include images of at least 1 previous project that is appropriate to the conditions of this brief.
- Image information sheet: Submit a sheet with the following information about each submitted project: title, date completed, client/neighborhood/site name, total artwork budget, and a brief (1-2 sentences) description of the project or piece at is relates to this project. Include a directory of which image titles you have submitted are associated with each project (ex: for an artist named Smith: PROJECT x: Images Smith 1, Smith 2, Smith 3; PROJECT Y: Smith 4, Smith 5, Smith 6). Submit this sheet in .doc, .docx or .pdf format.
Submissions may be emailed to amcgill@noblesvillecreates.org, shared via Dropbox, or hand-delivered to Noblesville Creates.
Mailed or delivered submissions must be loaded on a single usb drive. CDs, DVDs, or printed items cannot be accepted. USB drives must arrive at Noblesville Creates no later than 5:00 p.m EST on Mon Aug 12, 2019. A dropbox share request must be time-stamped by 5:00 p.m EST on Mon Aug 12, 2019 – all items must be included in the shared folder by that time. Any item that is time-stamped as being uploaded after 5 pm will be disqualified from consideration.
The Delivery Address is:
ATTN: Aili McGill
Noblesville Creates
107 S. 8th
Noblesville, IN 46060
Aili McGill, Noblesville Creates: amcgill@noblesvillecreates.org or 317-452-3690
Or Megan Wiles, Executive Director, Riverview Health Foundation mwiles@riverview.org