Auditions – Brighton Beach Memoirs

Auditions – Brighton Beach Memoirs

The Belfry proudly announces auditions for Brighton Beach Memoirs

By Neil Simon
Directed by James H. Williams
Presented by special arrangement with SAMUEL FRENCH, INC.

Audition Dates: April 3 & 4, 2018
Time and Location:  TBD-please watch their web page for updates
Please have prepared:  An age appropriate monologue and be prepared to read from the script.

Performance Dates:
Fridays and Saturdays June 1, 2, 8, 9, 15, and 16 with curtain at 8:00 p.m.
Sunday Matinees on June 10 and 17 with curtain at 2:00 p.m.
Dreaming of baseball and girls, Eugene must cope with the mundane existence of his family life in Brooklyn: formidable mother, overworked father, and his worldly older brother Stanley. Throw into the mix his widowed Aunt Blanche, her two young (but rapidly aging) daughters and Grandpa the Socialist and you have a recipe for hilarity, served up Simon‐style.  Here is part one of Neil Simon’s autobiographical trilogy: a portrait of the writer as a young teen in 1937 living with his family in a crowded, lower middle‐class Brooklyn walk‐up. Eugene Jerome, standing in for the author, is the narrator and central character. This bittersweet memoir evocatively captures the life of a struggling Jewish household where, as his father states “if you didn’t have a problem, you wouldn’t be living here.”


List of Characters:
Eugene-Age almost 15 (could be older than 15, but must be able to look 15)
Blanche-Kate’s Sister ‐ age 38
Kate Jerome-Blanche’s Sister, Eugene’s mother- age 40
Laurie-Blanche’s Daughter ‐ age 13 (could be older than 13, but must be able to look 13)
Nora-Laurie’s sister and Blanche’s older daughter-age 16 (could be older, but must look 16)
Stanley Jerome-Eugene’s older brother-age 18 (could be older, but must look 18)
Jacob “Jack” Jerome-Stanley and Eugene’s father, Blanche’s husband‐age 40
Audition Forms:
Those under 18 are requested to fill out an audition/permission slip before auditioning.  If you wish to fill out your audition form/permission form and bring with you to auditions, please note below:

Please click here for an audition form
Please click here for audition/permission form for actors auditioning under 18.
For further information, contact Director James H. Williams at

J.C. Seig