Call Out to Veterans

Call Out to Veterans

Call Out for Vetrans: Sharing Memorabilia and Artistic Talents

On June 29, 8 a.m.-9 p.m., the Nickel Plate District will host SPARK!Fishers, celebrating our history, community-pride, and traditions of the United States Armed Forces, and they want to include you! Located in Fishers City Hall, Veterans Hall will be a place for the public to relax, connect and share stories in celebration of our beloved Veterans. The SPARK!Fishers committee seeks Veterans interested in showcasing their military memorabilia and/or artistic talents in Veterans Hall during the SPARK!Fishers event.


  1. Displaying and sharing their military memorabilia in Veterans Hall.
  2. Showcasing your artistic talents with hands-on activities and demonstrations.

Military Memorabilia:

These objects tell compelling stories and history to be shared and celebrated. Memorabilia can include any and all aspects of military life including:

  • Uniforms including rank insignia, buttons, lapel pins, etc., medals and ribbons
  • Shadow Box
  • Hats and helmets
  • Equipment (compass, binoculars, canteen, etc.)
  • Books and training manuals
  • Photographs when in service
  • Flags
  • Identity badges and papers
  • Certificates of completed training
  • Maps
  • Journals
  • Charts
  • Posters
  • Letters and post cards, postage stamps
  • Awards
  • Invitations and programs to official military functions 

Demonstrations and Hands-on Activities:

If you are interested in applying your talent towards celebrating our nation’s birthday with a live demonstration during the event, we would love to showcase your artistry! If you can demonstrate a form of art, we want to hear from you. Ideas of performance art or other visual artistry are, but not linited to:

  • Painting
  • Sculpting
  • Woodworking
  • Knitting
  • Crafting
  • Quilting
  • Jewelry making          
  • Writing/author
  • Singing


Tuesday, June 25, 2019 by 5 p.m.

You are NOT required to stay for the entire SPARK!Fishers event. Submit your interest, hours of availability and questions to Rebekah Thomas at

J.C. Seig