Noblesville Creates Presents: Fred Green at Meyer-Najem

Noblesville Creates Presents: Fred Green at Meyer-Najem

Artist Fred Green.
For commissions or queries, contact Fred at Email:
Phone: 317.418.3276
Instagram: Grefre1955

Fred Green is an artist that has always had a knack for storytelling. His heart and mind actively balance equal parts art and science on a daily basis. From his early art days earning a BFA in printmaking to his exploration of lithography as a way to tell stories of personal insight (how people interact, form beliefs, and coexist), Fred always knew that art was a large part of his character and ambitions. His 30 years as an architect and business owner further reinforced both the right and left sides of his brain, combining Fred’s love for art and science in a way that provided a living for his amazing family.

A few years ago, Fred and his wife added a studio to their home, allowing both to reinvigorate their love for art. Fred started exploring watercolor, acrylic, mixed media and (with the influence of contemporary landscape painters), large format acrylic painting as well. The painterly, quick-paced process he found in this exploration harkened back to his printmaking days, bridging 40 years of experience in a new way that excited Fred. Green now fully embraces a loose, unconfined style with impressionistic, bold strokes and vivid colors on multiple canvases.

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His subject matter has evolved as well as his style throughout this creative renewal process. It has shifted from telling sagas mainly about people to telling stories that center more on his experiences with natural surroundings in his travels. As Fred puts it, “We have a beautiful world, let alone country! The joy of sharing these experiences in a unique perspective is very exciting and rewarding.”

Fred Green’s bold, distinctive art will be showcased during the Fishers Arts Crawl on Friday, August 16 from 6:00–9:00 p.m. in the Meyer-Najem Gallery in Fishers. His works will adorn the same gallery on the second floor of the building from October through December 2019 as well. There will be a special reception on Saturday, October 19 from 5:00–8:00 p.m. at Meyer-Najem. All art and nature lovers are invited and welcome to enjoy Fred’s energy that is as vibrant as his multi-canvas paintings!

Adam Goldsmith

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