
The arts have been part of Jerry Dreesen’s life for over 60 years. In his twenties, poetry was his passion, but in his fifties Jerry fell in love with painting. His introduction to Haiku fascinated Jerry, which then evolved into Haiga (Haiku with an accompanying...

“Paint the Town Red” event raised $50K for the Noblesville non-profit On September 23, 2021, over 150 gala attendees gathered at the Hub & Spoke design center to honor the 21 arts nominees and celebrate Noblesville Creates’ ninth anniversary. The night’s theme was “Paint the Town...

Unique acting and educational experience for youth! Conner Prairie recognizes the logistical challenges of this filming schedule, as children are likely in school during much of filming times. However, they feel this is a meaningful educational opportunity – to be part of a cinematic production, inspiring...

Noblesville nonprofit will “Paint the Town Red” at September’s celebratory event On September 23, 2021, Noblesville Creates will hold its ninth anniversary “Paint the Town Red” gala to celebrate the area’s diverse and growing arts scene in Hamilton County. The evening’s capstone event is the Noblesville...

John Dierdorf Many things were put on hold this past year, one of which was in-person art shows. Abstract impressionist painter John Dierdorf hopes that’s about to change.  John’s work features outdoor scenes like gardens, flowers, and trees. Recently he has created larger pieces – some as...

Michael Michael enjoys capturing the ruggedness and beauty of landscapes across the country. When considering options for photography destinations, he scopes out beautiful landscapes that will capture the story that he wants the image to tell.  In the spirit of being a lifelong learner, Michael is...

Artists are invited to come to Noblesville Creates to sell their unused (and gently loved) art supplies during our one-day-only Art Supply Yard Sale on Saturday, August 14 from 9am-5pm. A limited number of spaces will be available so be sure to reserve your spot...

“Don’t get artwork to match your couch. Collect original art; support artists.” This has been Patty Coulter’s mantra since the start of her interior design days back in Southern California.  Patty is an artist with an incredible story of overcoming tragedy, heartbreak, and faith. Experiencing the...

Belinda Short brings a challenging exhibit to Four Day Ray this Summer with “Try It”—an eclectic collection of mixed media projects which showcases the creative challenges Belinda enjoys solving.  Belinda Short Belinda streams all of her work online, which means she ends...

Even though Craig Ogden has been expressing his artistic side his entire professional career, his upcoming exhibit will celebrate Craig’s last two official years as an artist, aptly called “Two Years Later.” Craig’s paintings are mostly done in acrylics on canvas, paper, or Masonite panels. Each one...

Did you know? Nickel Plate Arts is becoming Noblesville Creates!

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Noblesville Creates is Now Noblesville Creates