Ways to Celebrate Dr. King’s Legacy

Ways to Celebrate Dr. King’s Legacy

There are many ways to observe, celebrate, and continue Dr. King’s Legacy this week in Hamilton County. Here are a few great options:

Conner Prairie’s Martin Luther King Day Celebration: 
10 a.m. – 5 p.m. 
Activities, music, and discussions of the 1950s and 1960s Civil Rights Movement and social justice issues of today
Free, but a timed ticket is required

City of Carmel: Tarkington Theater
6 p.m.
Join Mayor Jim Brainard and the Mayor’s Advisory Commission on Human Relations as they commemorate the life and impact of American Civil Rights Leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to benefit the United Negro College Fund

City of Noblesville: First United Methodist Church
7 p.m.
Mayor Chris Jensen has invited Karrah Herring, the Chief Equity, Inclusion and Opportunity Officer for the State of Indiana to be the guest speaker. Noblesville West Middle School Choir to sing, presentation of the new We Are All Human mural recently painted in the Noblesville High School library, and two collaborative art pieces the public will be invited to contribute to on the way into the program. Everyone is encouraged to arrive early to participate in this opportunity created with the help of Noblesville Creates

City of Fishers: Explore opportunities in the community
The City of Fishers has shared a list of ways to celebrate Dr. King’s legacy this week.
Click here to learn more

Arts For All Workshops from the Indiana Arts Commission:
1/19, 2/2, and 2/16 at 11:30 a.m.
These workshops were designed by the IAC and the Regional Arts Partners and are a great opportunity to focus on inclusion, diversity, equity and access!
Click here to register.

Ailithir McGill

Did you know? Nickel Plate Arts is becoming Noblesville Creates!

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