High Art!

High Art!


60 N. 9th St., Noblesville, IN 46060

From From: 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM

At Kiln Creations

60 N. 9th St., Noblesville, IN 46060


Louise Blazucki / (317) 774-8982, louise@kilncreations.net

Choose your cheesecake, choose your pipe and vibe! We are sourcing our cheesecakes from Hazeables! Hazeables is an amazing bakery in downtown Indy that serves traditional pastries, Mexican favorites, and of course, CBD infused treats.   

Choose from their two favorite flavors, Smores and Strawberry. These are mini cheesecakes and will have 25 mg of Delta 9 CBD. Then we'll paint our pipes and vibe! Pipes will vary in style and will range from $25-35, and we will have a select few beakers for $70. These are for decoration only and this event is FIRMLY for 21+. $15 ticket + cost of pottery.

Tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable. 

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