Stephenson Showcase: “My Floral Studies” by John Dierdorf

Stephenson Showcase: “My Floral Studies” by John Dierdorf

John Dierdorf, Artist

Nature might be seen as a constant balancing act between structure and disorder. Much like art, flora can be perfectly manicured or expressed in more intuitive, wild ways. Artist John Dierdorf enjoys taking inspiration from the natural world in his home garden when working on his Abstract Expressionist paintings. His September exhibit at Noblesville Creates’ Stephenson House Gallery, My Floral Studies, will include multiple views of flowers from his garden, still lifes, and abstract interpretations. 

John is a retired architect, having graduated from Ball State University’s College of Architecture. He recounts that these years included design classes to study how to create buildings, functional interiors, and exterior spaces between and around buildings; how to be a curious observer of his surroundings; how light and shadow impart character; and how these environments will affect people. Following university, he had a full fledged career as an architect and a part time interest in fine arts. He drew inspiration from Robert Indiana when he created large scale acrylic paintings with hard-edged images. He also photographed subjects of note, such as buildings, architectural details, flowers, and landscapes. 

“My professional career replaced my time for creative painting for a number of years until 2009 when the brushes were once again in hand, working to refine my style,” John notes. Once retired, he began deeply exploring his love for painting. Painters like Monet, Miro, Kandinsky, and Pollock all played a large influence as he discovered his artistic style. 

Noblesville Creates, originally Nickel Plate Arts, was founded in the same stretch of years. John fondly remembers his early involvement in the organization as a board member. He observed and guided the group as it grew into a local resource for emerging artists. “Engaging Noblesville, Fishers, and Hamilton County to the importance of art to enhance their communities has been wonderful to watch.” Alongside his artistic achievements, he counts helping his children grow and thrive and building relationships with clients to be his biggest accomplishments.

John’s current style continues to be a developing exploration of “loose, spontaneous, impactful brushstrokes” that capture images of lush gardens, charming scenery, and more. He notes that some of his favorite places in Hamilton County are “the back porch at my art studio, the patio in our garden, and multiple golf courses.” Visitors can expect to walk into My Floral Studies and view dynamic and vibrant acrylic paintings that reflect these places and John’s ongoing practice in style. Visitors can meet John at his free open house reception on September 21, from 5-8 p.m.

J.C. Seig

Did you know? Nickel Plate Arts is becoming Noblesville Creates!

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