October 2019 Featured Partner Events

October 2019 Featured Partner Events

Each month, we gather information about our Featured Partners  and their upcoming events in one spot so that it’s easy for you to see what’s coming up.  That spot is right here!

Wait Until Dark
Sept. 27-Oct. 13, Fri. & Sat. at 8 p.m., Sun. at 2 p.m.
Belfry Theatre, 10690 Greenfield Ave, Noblesville
$17 adults, $14 ages 0-12 & 65-100
A sinister con man, Roat, and two ex-convicts, Mike and Carlino, are about to meet their match. They have traced the location of a mysterious doll, which they are much interested in, to the Greenwich Village apartment of Sam Hendrix and his blind wife, Susy. Sam had apparently been persuaded by a strange woman to transport the doll across the Canadian border, not knowing that sewn inside were several grams of heroin. When the woman is murdered, the situation becomes more urgent. The con man and his ex-convicts, through a cleverly constructed deception, convince Susy that the police have implicated Sam in the woman’s murder, and the doll, which she believes is the key to his innocence, is evidence. She refuses to reveal its location, and with the help of a young neighbor, figures out she is the victim of a bizarre charade. But when Roat kills his associates, a deadly game of cat and mouse ensues between the two. Susy knows the only way to play fair is by her rules, so when darkness falls she turns off all the lights leaving both of them to maneuver in the dark until the game ends. A Broadway hit, this masterfully constructed thriller moves from one moment of suspense to another as it builds toward an electrifying, breath-stopping final scene. Directed by Jen Otterman, By Frederick Knott
More info visit  thebelfrytheatre.com

Hamilton County Artists’ Association Juried Artist Members Exhibit
October 1 – November 29, during Noblesville City Hall hours, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Noblesville City Hall, South Corridor
HCAA Juried Artist members will be hanging “The Artists’ Choice” in the south corridor of the Noblesville City Hall.   This exhibit has not theme, but many select and fantastic pieces of art.
Come enjoy the exhibit which will be hanging for two months.
More info visit hcaa-in.org 

Wednesday Art Classes
Oct 2- Dec 18, Wednesdays
Caravan Classes Studio, 92 S. 9th Street, Noblesville In. 46060
$5-$15 per class
11-11:30 a.m. Family Art Time   
This art time is geared for toddlers – pre-K kiddos and is a 1/2 hr of art exploration and creative play.  We will be working through the alphabet each week and in a variety of artful ways.
1:30-2:30 p.m. Homeschool Art 
4:00-5:00 p.m. After-school Art 
5:00-6:00 p.m. Teen Art
Students will focus on skill building. We will spend each month doing opening exercises and completing projects that will tackle skills needed for specific areas of art.  For instance, the focus for the first month will be on drawing.  Students will learn about the many forms of drawing and begin a sketch book to reflect this as well as taking home final drafts of their work.  Skill categories for the year include painting, weaving, printmaking, clay work, photography, light and shadow, paper mâché, color theory, wire work, beading, and more.
6:30-7:30 p.m. Adult Art Class
Participants will have a choice between working on a guided project each week or working progressively on a project in a medium and subject of their choice.  The guided project for each will will be announced on social media. 
More info & register: https://squareup.com/store/caravan-classes/or call 765-557-1969, @CaravanClasses

Busy Pens and Brushes 2: The Calligraphy Guild of Indiana Members’ Show
October 2-29, Mon.-Fri., 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
Oct. 26, Special Saturday hours: 10am-1pm
The Art Gallery at City Hall, Fishers
The exhibit features calligraphers of all skill levels, from beginners to professionals. The Guild was formed in 1981 as the Alcuin Society. The founding was encouraged by the Art Department of the University of Indianapolis following a guest lecture presentation by the Master Scribe, Donald Jackson of England. Come and enjoy the study of letterforms and related arts in Indiana. Free public reception on October 25 from 6:30-8:30pm. The gallery will also be open during the Boo Bash Celebration on October 26.
More info: FishersArtsCouncil.org or @fishersart

Hamilton County Artists’ Association 4th Annual Open Lens Photography Exhibit and Competition
Oct. 3- Nov. 1. Thurs: 1-3 p.m., Fri: 1-4 p.m., Sat:10-4 p.m.
The Birdie Gallery of HCAA, 195 S. 5th St., Noblesville
The Fourth Annual HCAA Open Lens Photography Exhibit and Competition is a judged exhibit with prizes awarded in several categories.   Photographers see the world in interesting ways by using their cameras to create and display artistic images.   This exhibit offers area photographic artists the opportunity to express their creative world.  The public is invited to visit this exciting exhibit at the Birdie Gallery during gallery hours and attend the October First Friday opening reception and the November 1, First Friday Awards Reception.  
Opening Reception: First Friday, Oct. 4, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Awards Reception: First Friday, Nov. 1, 6:30 -8:30 p.m.
More info visit hcaa-in.org or email Michael Jack dmichael.jack@gmail.com

First Friday @ Hamilton County Artists’ Association
October 4, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
The Birdie Gallery of HCAA, 195 S. 5th St., Noblesville
Who Won??  Come to the 4th Annual Open Lens Photography Exhibit and Competition and find out. The gallery will be filled with Photographic Art from photographers in the area.  Images will include unaltered as well as creatively altered work.  Awards in several categories will be announced and light refreshments will be served.
More info visit hcaa-in.org

Fall Fest
Oct 4, 5-9 p.m.
Free, except for Soup Cook Off and Hay Rides
A great family event lots of fun and games.  We will have a Soup Cook Off, Trick or Treating around Square, Hayrides, Pumpkin Carver, David A. Smith from the Food Network will be carving, face painting, and family friendly games.  Scarecrows will also be mounted on all of the lamp posts around the square. Canstruction will also start today and be on display until October 11: A unique competition, exhibition and event showcasing colossal structures made entirely out of full cans of food Built by teams of Architects, Engineers, Construction Professionals, Designers, Students, Professors, Teachers, Businesses, Social Service Organizations and Clubs during the day Friday October 04, 2019 The giant art exhibition is on display to the public until Friday October 11, 2019 and at the end of the viewing all food is donated to local food pantries.
More info visit

Music & All That Jazz
Oct 4, 7-8 p.m.
Noblesville Courthouse Square
Mudsock Jazz Combo, one of nine Fishers Music Works Ensembles, was created in 2013 by trumpeter Doug Murray, as a way for musicians from Fishers and the surrounding area to play jazz in a flexible group which is able to perform in a variety of venues while also having a diverse library of jazz music ranging from 20s/30s era jazz, including Dixieland, up to jazz/rock fusion (e.g. Chicago, Blood, Sweat & Tears). The combo currently has a pool of fifteen musicians and four vocalists, which provides a unique versatility for this ensemble.
More info visit 

5th Annual NICE Presentations Event
October 5, 6-8pm
The Birdie Gallery, 195 South 5th Street
$10 suggested donation at the door 
Join us for a fun-filled evening of folklore and fairy themed presentations of original creations inspired by our 2019 NICE project’s selected stories and passages! Our presenters have created original artwork, poetry, prose, and music inspired by this year’s NICE project, and some presenters participated in our workshops earlier this year. Come on out and see what our NICE creative friends made!
More info visit cearts.org

Hamilton County Artists’ Association Monthly Meeting – Public Welcome
Oct. 9, 7-9 p.m.
The Birdie Gallery of HCAA, 195 S. 5th St., Noblesville
Every month the HCAA Juried Artists meet to catch up on news, have a bit to eat, and enjoy an artist demonstration.   The demo for the month of October will be presented by Stephen Edwards.
More info visit hcaa-in.org

The 24-hour play contest
October 11-12, (welcome reception Oct. 11, 6 p.m., performances Oct 12, 7 p.m.)
The Switch Theatre in Fishers (at the Ji-Eun Lee Music Academy)
$60 to participate, $5 to attend performances
IFTC’s inaugural 24-Hour Play Contest will take place from Friday evening until Saturday evening, October 11 to 12, at The Switch Theatre in Fishers (at the Ji-Eun Lee Music Academy). On Friday night, after a welcome reception at 6:00, each team will draw an event, a theme, a prop, and a single line. All of these must be incorporated into the play, which your team will write, rehearse, memorize, and perform all within the 24hour timeframe.
More info visit fishersmusic.com

Preservation Hall Concert: Dave Harvey
Oct 13, 2:00 pm
Preservation Hall, 1274 Logan Street, Noblesville
$15 at the door
World class mandolin player and Grammy nominated Nashville producer, David Harvey, will be making a rare stop in Central Indiana to play at Preservation Hall.  Featuring a variety of musical styles played on rare and wonderful vintage instruments, Dave will be accompanied by his wife and daughter, and talented multi-instrumentalist, Cole Ritter.
More info visit davidharveymusic.com

Young Songwriter Series 
Oct 18, 7-9pm
Preservation Hall, 1274 Logan Street, Noblesville
$5 requested donation at the door
Our Young Songwriters series occurs each month on Friday, $5 at the door to support youth arts in our community. We are very excited to welcome young songwriters to the Preservation Hall (formerly Logan Street Sanctuary) stage each month for an evening of original music. This series was originally the brainchild of Gavin Cooley, Noblesville High School student and singer-songwriter. Gavin has graduated and passed the baton to Grace Wiles, who will be the showrunner this school  year. Come out and support the amazing young talent that Grace puts together for these special musical evenings! 
More info. contact gewiles@gmail.com

Comedy Showcase Series
Oct 19, 8-10pm
Preservation Hall, 1274 Logan Street, Noblesville
$5 suggested donation
Hosted by comedian Josh Eger, Preservation Hall (formerly Logan Street Sanctuary) is excited to welcome area comedians to the stage for a monthly evening of comedy! You won’t want to miss ‘em!
More info. Contact Joshueger1235@gmail.com

Busy Pens and Brushes 2 Exhibit Reception
October 25, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
The Art Gallery at City Hall, Fishers
Public reception will provide an opportunity to meet the  calligraphers who are part of the exhibit. Come and enjoy their work – the study of letterforms and related arts in Indiana.
More info: FishersArtsCouncil.org or @fishersart

Meyer-Najem Showcase: Frederick J. Green
Oct. – Dec. 2019, Mon.-Fri. 8am-5pm
Meyer-Najem, 11787 Lantern Road, Fishers, IN 46038
For the months of October – December 2019, Noblesville Creates is excited to bring Frederick J. Green into this art space. Fred brings an impressionistic, contemporary approach to his painting. He’s known for using bold colors and brush strokes, and creating pieces using multiple canvases. Three years ago, Fred built himself an art studio, and from that point forward, his creativity and exploration of new styles, mediums, and ideas has flourished. He seeks to capture the essence of places, people, and experiences through his work, and hopes to convey a sense of ‘being there’ through his creative lens. Green brings a collection of his most celebrated works to the Meyer-Najem gallery this fall. Don’t miss Frederick J. Green’s showcase – this October to December 2019 at the Meyer-Najem Gallery in Fishers!
More info: NickelPlateArts.org

Be Well Family Care Showcase: Jerry Dreeson
Oct.-Dec.  2019 , Mon.-Fri. 8am-4pm
Be Well Family Care, 11495 N Pennsylvania St #270, Carmel, IN 46032
Be Well Family Care hosts a rotating gallery in the lobby of its Carmel office. All are welcome to come by and see what’s on the walls this month! From October-December we’re featuring works from local artist Jerry Dreeson. Stop by during business hours, Monday–Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
More info: noblesvillecreates.org

Drop In Art Classes and Workshops
Year Round

Caravan Classes Studio, 92 S. 9th Street, Noblesville In. 46060
Follow Caravan Classes on social media for an updated weekly schedule for drop in hours, open  studio times and upcoming workshops, or contact them to plan a private event. 
More info: @CaravanClasses or call 765-557-1969

Continuing Satellite HCAA Exhibits
– Hamilton County Visitor’s Center/Noble Made Gift Shop (839 Conner St., 
  Noblesville): October Featured Artist Joanne Roeder               
– Asian Grill ( 74 N. 9th St., Noblesville): October Featured Artists Barb 
  McEvoy, Antonio Menendez, Kristina Oliver
– Controller’s Office, Noblesville City Hall: October Featured Artist Martha
More info visit hcaa-in.org 

J.C. Seig