Art of Business

Art of Business

Classes help turn artists into independent entrepreneurs

NOBLESVILLE, IND. — Noblesville Creates is partnering with the Noblesville Chamber of Commerce to help local artists looking to turn their passion into business success. The organizations are teaming up to present the quarterly “Art of Business” series, connecting artists with business professionals to help ensure legal and financial success.

The next “Art of Business” event, set for Wednesday, Aug. 17, 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Noblesville Library at 1 Library Plaza, focuses on setting up small businesses. The class will cover topics ranging from paperwork artists need to file to the insurance they should carry.

“We’re very excited about presenting business training classes for artists because we know that the finer points of finance, insurance, etc. aren’t usually an artist’s area of expertise,” says Noblesville Creates Director Aili McGill. “Pairing up with the Noblesville Chamber of Commerce gives us the ability to tailor affordable classes so they can have access to important information that will help them succeed as small business owners long into the future.”

The panel will be moderated by Noblesville Chamber of Commerce Chief Executive Officer Bob DuBois, and feature attorney John Terry from Cate, Terry & Gookins, LLC, Jean Peterson from the Alerding CPA Group and Bill Ferraro from Chas L. Howard Insurance.

“Creating a supportive ecosystem for the arts is an important element of Noblesville’s community and economic development strategy,” DuBois says. “There are two essential components to that effort: nurturing creativity and fostering sustainable business practices. The Chamber is happy to play a role in the latter with Noblesville Creates in our Art of Business series. Assisting artists by strengthening their business skills will pay dividends for both the individual artists and our community.”

Participants can register online for the event. A registration fee of $5 will help support future classes. There are a total of 44 places available.

The next quarter’s class will be Nov. 17, 2016. During this in-depth workshop, instructors will walk artists, step-by-step through the process of building a marketing campaign for a specific project of their choice.

The “Art of Business” series is coordinated by Noblesville Creates with the help of the Noblesville Chamber of Commerce, Hamilton East Public Library and the Fishers Arts Council.

Ailithir McGill

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