17 Dec New Grant Guidelines Coming from the IAC
The Indiana Arts Commission staff and Regional Arts Partners are busy preparing to launch the FY23 Arts Organization Support and Arts Project Support grant guidelines. The “we’re accepting applications” announcement will go out next week. In the meantime, we have some important reminders and information to share.
- FY22 Arts Organization Support recipients: There’s a high chance you do not need to resubmit an application in this cycle as the grant awarded to your organization this last summer was likely for the next two fiscal years. Grantees on a two-year cycle will remain in the same grant category in this coming year. Take a look at your award letter on the dashboard in the online system to verify the terms of your grant agreement. Or reach out to your Regional Arts Partner. They’ll be able to help, too!
- FY22 Arts Project Support recipients: You will need to submit another funding application.
And lastly, if you are a grant recipient in Boone, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Johnson, Marion, or Shelby county, you have a new Regional Arts Partner. Earlier this week, you should have received an email from our colleague Stephanie Haines letting you know that Aili McGill from Nickel Plate Arts is your new primary contact. We’re thrilled Nickel Plate Arts has agreed to expand its portfolio of work to support the arts in central Indiana.