Stephenson Showcase: Flowers by John Dierdorf

Stephenson Showcase: Flowers by John Dierdorf

John Dierdorf

Many things were put on hold this past year, one of which was in-person art shows. Abstract impressionist painter John Dierdorf hopes that’s about to change. 

John’s work features outdoor scenes like gardens, flowers, and trees. Recently he has created larger pieces – some as big as 6 ft. wide – and this new work will be showcased at his exhibit coming to the Stephenson House this September.

When asked how he comes up with ideas for his paintings, John said, “The process is mystical. Some days I’m just walking around, I see something, and it triggers a thought about an entire canvas. Other times it’s just a starting point.”

John added that he generally begins with the backgrounds first. He does up to four layers before the “fun stuff” starts. Sometimes the direction changes while he’s working. He has three large easels and a smaller easel all in close proximity so that he can work on several pieces simultaneously. It’s all random, but the end result is beautiful.

When he’s not painting, John is busy with his career as an architect. He said, “Time is always a challenge. A dozen or so years ago, I carved out a corner of my home office for painting. You need to designate a space where you have your set up so that you can get into the painting mindset without dealing with getting stuff out and putting it away.” 

John said the artwork around his home is mostly his work. Fortunately, his wife is a huge fan. And, he added that she’s also a good critique during the process which is helpful. Paintings come and go and move around their house. Some stack up in the basement until they find a home. John said, “For artists, the next thing is what is most intriguing.”

John said that his experience with Noblesville Creates has been fun and he is keeping his fingers crossed that we can all show up in person and get out and see art. Dierdorf’s reception will be held on Friday, September 3rd from 6 pm to 9 pm.

Adam Goldsmith

Did you know? Nickel Plate Arts is becoming Noblesville Creates!

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