A Declaration of Independence

A Declaration of Independence

AilithirI am so very excited to announce that we will be launching to operational independence from Hamilton County Tourism on Jan. 1, 2017.  We will be our own, stand-alone institution with both the freedom and the responsibility to set our own trajectory and manage our own destiny!

Unlike when our colonial forefathers declared their independence back in 1776, our Independence Day will most likely not involve any minutemen, muskets or rockets-red-glare.  This will be a very peaceful, happy transition that has been in the works for a long time. However, even a quiet, joyful revolution can usher in major change, and I’m sure that you will begin to notice some subtle-yet-important changes in how we do business as we move forward.  

The new format of our Anniversary Party this past September was one signal of these changes: it represents our devotion to setting a high standard for arts achievement in this region and uniting with community leaders who know how vital the arts are to our everyday lives.

When Hamilton County Tourism Inc. founded us in 2012, they did so with the understanding that we would be on our own some day. Their plan at the time was to build an infrastructure around which local artists and arts organizations could unite, to strengthen that infrastructure over the course of a few years, and then address plans for a long-term funding strategy for the organization so that it could stand on its own. The infrastructure is in place, our operations are strong and at the beginning of 2017, we’ll be handling all aspects of our operation on our own.

This may sound like behind-the-scenes details, but I felt it was important to share this touchpoint because it underscores one fundamental necessity: WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT.

We’ve had the incredible luxury of four years of experimentation, exploration and analysis, with the safety net of Hamilton County Tourism’s resources always there to catch us if we took a major misstep.  But now it’s time to buckle down and get serious about what it is that we do. It’s time for us to move us out of our startup mode and invest our time and money into the things that do the most for our arts community.  And you are our arts community — we need you to unite with us now so that your voice can shape who we are and what we do.  

This is a historic moment for Noblesville Creates.  Never again will we enjoy the security of being under the sheltering wing of Hamilton County Tourism.  We’re going to be working without a net, but, with your support, we won’t ever have to work without a network of passionate, smart, wonderful people cheering us on.

Won’t you help us celebrate this historic announcement by contributing to our Annual Fund?  Just like George Washington, Ben Franklin, or John and Abigail Adams, you can help create a legacy that is sure to revolutionize access to and support of the arts for generations to come!  Make a gift today by visiting noblesvillecreates.org.

Thanks for your support!

Aili McGill

Director, Noblesville Creates


Ailithir McGill

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Noblesville Creates is Now Noblesville Creates