Artist Call-Out: Public Art Sculpture in Fishers

Artist Call-Out: Public Art Sculpture in Fishers

A Call to Artists – Requests for Qualifications

Riverview Hospital / Intuitive Health Fishers Public Art Sculpture

Riverview Hospital, Intuitive Health, the Fishers Arts Commission and Noblesville Creates are soliciting proposals for a prominent outdoor sculpture to be installed at the new facility at the NWQ of 116th St. and Exit 5 parkway near Top Golf in Fishers.

The sculpture is intended to be a representative/reflective piece that fits the theme of wellness and health.  The sculpture must fit within the confines of the site (site plans and renderings are included herein), with suggested dimensions of approximately 6 feet wide and 6 feet tall, and can and should incorporate multiple building materials, including but not limited to metal, glass, low voltage lighting (maybe internal), stone, brick, and concrete.  The sculpture must conceptually link with the surrounding landscape and infrastructure, specifically the Exit 5 parkway. We look to reflect the evolving Fishers culture with a focus on health and wellbeing.

Eligibility Requirements:

To qualify, artists must:

  • Be 18 years of age or older and live in the United States.
  • Have previously created public art, large-scale works, or exterior projects on their own or as part of an artist team.
  • Carry personal liability insurance for the duration of the project (Noblesville Creates can provide a referral to an insurance provider if needed.)
  • Be willing to meet all contractual obligations and adhere to the strict timeline and budget.

Selection Process:

Applications must be submitted to Anthony Zerrer, 4653 Trueman Blvd, STE. 100 Hilliard, OH 43026, by 3/1/19 following the guidelines provided below.

Proposals will be reviewed by a committee made up of Equity, Sunbeam, Riverview Health and Intuitive Health staff, representatives from the City of Fishers, representatives from Noblesville Creates and the Fishers Arts Commission and other key community members.  This committee will select up to 5 finalists to interview about their qualifications.  Finalists will have at least one week to prepare for their interview and must bring a resume and a simple concept sketch of their idea to the interview and be prepared to discuss their qualifications and ideas.

Selection Criteria:

Artists will be selected based upon the following criteria:

  • Work of the highest caliber and effective execution
  • Demonstrate a mastery of sculpting or fabricating large public art pieces.
  • Experience of working within program guidelines
  • Ability to complete work within a specified timeframe and budget
  • Artistic style that will create visual impact on pedestrian and vehicular traffic
  • Demonstrated ability to effectively and evocatively incorporate the themes and concepts requested

Special consideration will be given to artists with a close tie to Fishers and Hamilton County.


The budget for this artwork will be $25,000.  The artist is expected to budget all costs associated with the fabrication and installation of the sculpture.  This includes design, materials, fabrication, supplies, shipping, travel, lodging, equipment, etc. Partners involved with this project may be able to provide additional assistance in locating and obtaining materials or equipment.

Project Timeline:

Proposal submissions due: Mar 1
Committee reviews proposals: Mar 4-15 (Fishers Arts Commission review Mar 12)
Finalists Announced:  on or around Mar 18
Finalists interviewed: Mar 25-April 5
Winner Announced:  no later than April 19
Design development: April through June
Design approval by all partners: no later than Jul 1
Fabrication: July through August
Installation:  Aug 19 through Sep 6 (dependent upon weather & final construction details).

Submission Process:

To apply, please fill out the attached form completely and thoroughly and email or mail it to at

Anthony Zerrer
Development Associate
4653 Trueman Blvd., Suite 100
Hilliard, OH 43026
P: 614.334.7823

Submissions must be complete and must arrive by 3/1/19 to be eligible.  Please note:  this is NOT a postmark deadline.

Submissions must include:

  • The attached application form
  • A Statement of Interest (no longer than 1 page) in which you highlight:
    • Your interest in this project
    • Your professional qualifications
    • Your concept for this project
    • A Concept sketch or other visual representation of your ideas for the piece
  • Current Resume or CV (no longer than 3 pages)
  • Work Samples: Each artist may submit 1 CD or 1 binder of work samples.  Binders may contain no more than 10 pages.  Submit examples of sculpture that best represent your experience, style, and ability. In addition, you may also submit images of any other work (large scale or otherwise) that best represents your work over the past 5 years.  Please include a document or labels that provides details about your work samples.  If possible, submit in-progress photos along with images of the completed sculpture.
  • Contact info as follows:
    • Artist Name:
    • Mailing Address:
    • City/State/ZIP:
    • Day Phone:
    • Evening Phone:
    • Email:
    • Website:


Intuitive Riverview Fishers Sculpture Application Form:


Artist Name:

Mailing Address:


Day Phone:

Evening Phone:



How did you hear about this RFQ?


Please be sure to attach:

A Statement of Interest (no longer than 1 page) in which you highlight:

  • Your interest in this project
  • Your professional qualifications
  • Your concept for this project

A concept sketch or other visual representation of your ideas

Current Resume or CV (no longer than 3 pages)

Work Samples (as described in the RFP)

Send your proposal to:

Anthony Zerrer
Development Associate
4653 Trueman Blvd., Suite 100
Hilliard, OH 43026
P: 614.334.7823

Submissions must be complete and must arrive by 5:00 pm on Friday, March 1st, 2019 to be eligible.

Thank you for your interest!

Ailithir McGill