12 Feb Call to Artists: Sculpture Opportunity
Keep Noblesville Beautiful (KNB) seeks artists to design, fabricate and install a sculpture celebrating the nautical and recreational legacy of Morse Reservoir through an roundabout sculpture at the intersection of Hague Road and Carrigan Road.
Artists must submit their qualifications, work samples, and cover letter by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, Mar 14th, 2021.
To be eligible to submit for this opportunity, artists must:
- Be able to meet all of the project requirements (see below)
- Be age 18 or over
- Be willing to meet all contractual obligations and adhere to a strict budget and timeline
- Carry personal liability insurance for the duration of the project (Noblesville Creates can provide a referral to an insurance provider if needed)
- Developing designs for an attractive sculpture to fit the existing concrete pad, footings, and landscaping. Designs will have to be approved by a committee of individuals representing Keep Noblesville Beautiful, the City of Noblesville and Noblesville Creates before fabrication.
- Fabricate the sculpture and arrange for it to be delivered to the site
- Supervise installation of the sculpture at the site. City of Noblesville staff and resources will be available to assist with installation.
- Meet safety and engineering requirements identified by the City of Noblesville and/or any engineering consultants engaged by Keep Noblesville Beautiful
This project will carry a commission of $10,000 for design, fabrication and installation of the sculpture. This fee is to cover all of the artists’ compensation and anticipated expenses, including (but not limited to) design fees, steel, fabric, installation hardware, any other materials required for fabrication and installation, production and labor. Payment will be made in two installments: 1/2 will be paid to the artist at the beginning of the project, with the remaining 1/2 to be paid upon completion of the project. Please note that these payments can take up to 30 days to arrive.
Below are two site plans used to gain to gain approval from the City for installation of a sculpture in this location. The proposed sculpture depicted is purely theoretical: artists do not need to incorporate the design concept shown here. Artists only need to meet the site requirements and work with the existing footings. Permits and permission for this sculpture have already been secured from all governing bodies and Keep Noblesville Beautiful will assist with any further permissions, permits and waivers needed for design and installation.
Keep Noblesville Beautiful is a community improvement organization providing educational programs and community action programs to the general public in the Noblesville, Indiana area. These programs help government, businesses and citizens work together to provide litter prevention and clean-up, neighborhood beautification and other services which help make our community healthier, safer and provide a viable and sustainable impact on the lives of our residents/ Keep Noblesville Beautiful is an Indiana non-profit corporation that is recognized by the IRS as a tax-exempt origination under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Artists must submit their qualifications to Darren Peterson (dpeterson@petersonarchitecture.com by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, March 14th, 2021. Representatives from Keep Noblesville Beautiful, the City of Noblesville and Noblesville Creates will review submitted qualifications and select up to three finalists to interview further.
Note: While this is the intended selection process, in the event of an insufficient number of qualified applicants, KNB reserves the right to invite an artist to propose, or to directly select an artist and also reserves the right to cancel the opportunity entirely at any point and for any reason.
Finalists will be selected based upon the following criteria:
Technical Ability: Artist’s submission indicates professionalism, skill with materials and techniques, and indicates the capacity to meet the requirements of this project
Artistic Quality: Artist’s past work is appropriate to its context, innovative, creative and stylistically distinctive
Professionalism: Artist met all requirements for the application, artist demonstrated effective and clear communication skills
Preference will be given to artists with a strong Noblesville connection.
This timeline represents the project. Changes may be necessary as the project progresses
Call to Artists: Feb-Mar, 2021
Deadline for qualification submissions: Mar 14th, 2021
Selection committee review: Mar 15-31, 2021
Design finalization & approval Mar-April, 2021
Development & Fabrication May-June, 2021
Ribbon Cutting June-July 2021
The current goal is for this project to be completed by July 31, 2021. However, due to the unpredictability of the COVID-19 pandemic, the availability of materials, and the weather, adjustments may be necessary. Flexibility is both appreciated and required.
Artists must submit the following information to Darren at dpeterson@petersonarchitecture.com to qualify (please note: submission materials will not be returned to applicants):
1). Cover Letter: Please include a statement about your interest in this project, as well as any personal or professional connection you have to Noblesville and how that connection influences your interest in this project. Please also include a statement about how your previous work experience qualifies you for this opportunity and any thoughts you have about how you would approach this project.
2). Resume: Please include a copy of your artistic resume. Please make sure that your resume includes your name, mailing address, phone number, email address, and website/social media handles.
3). Examples of previous artwork: Submit 2-10 digital images in .jpg or .pdf format of past work.
Please limit the file size of each image to 2MB or less. If possible, include images of at least 1previous project that is appropriate to the conditions of this brief.
4). Image information sheet: Submit a sheet with the following information about each submitted project: title, date completed, client/neighborhood/site name, total artwork budget, and a brief (1-2 sentences) description of the project or piece at is relates to this project. Include a directory of which image titles you have submitted are associated with each project (ex: for an artist named Smith: PROJECT x: Images Smith 1, Smith 2, Smith 3; PROJECT Y: Smith 4, Smith 5, Smith6. Submit this sheet in .doc, .docx or .pdf format.
The application materials above must be emailed to Darren at dpeterson@petersonarchitecture.com by 5 pm on March 01, 2021 for approval. Once approved, artwork must be delivered to KNB by Mar 14, 2021.
Darren Peterson, President of the Board of Keep Noblesville Beautiful at dpeterson@petersonarchitecture.com