Comic Book in a Day 2018 Recap

Comic Book in a Day 2018 Recap

Another amazing Comic Book in a Day is…in the books! This year, the Ignite Studio at Hamilton East Public Library- Fishers hosted our 23 comic book artists in their new space on the lower level of the library (side note: if you haven’t seen the Ignite Studio space yet, stop by and check it out…it’s amazing!). We had first-year comic artists and seasoned veterans alike who all spent 12 hours creating their best six page comic story.

Our featured comic book artists this year were Sterling Clark, Stuart Sayger, and Victor Dandridge. In addition to sharing their expertise with us, the featured artists also served as judges for the Comic Book in a Day awards.

Throughout the day, artists and onlookers to the Comic Book in a Day experience were treated to activities and demonstrations, including tips for printing your own 3D superheroes and several hands-on art stations for kids as part of Superhero University. Around 300 guests made their way through the CBIAD experience during the course of the event.

2018 Comic Book in a Day participants

Here are the award winners for our 2018 Comic Book in a Day:

Best Overall: Sorrel Studios: The Art of Kenna Al-Sayed
Best Art: Erik Lundorf
Best Story: Gabrielle & Raquel Zacheri
Most Creative: Yuri Duncan
Most Ambitious: Mason Yeater
Best Panel: Alyse McMiller, Joey Haas
Rising Star: Jason Funk

Congratulations to the award recipients. We’re proud of the incredible artwork that everyone produced!

Thanks again to Ignite Studio at Hamilton East Public Library- Fishers for letting us use their phenomenal space.


Ailithir McGill