Indiana Arts Commission Grants are Now Open

Indiana Arts Commission Grants are Now Open

Noblesville Creates serves as the Regional Partner for the Indiana Arts Commission to connect with an assist arts organizations and artists in Central Indiana. If you are in one of the Region 7 counties, you can subscribe for email updates or peruse funding opportunities below.  Please, email for more information.  Noblesville Creates wants to send out a big thank you to the Indiana Arts Commission for their financial support.

Guidelines for Arts Project Support FY 26 have been released. Arts Project Support is a core grant program of the Indiana Arts Commission (IAC), provides funding to 501c3 nonprofits, units of government, and schools to support arts projects that occur during the grant period: July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2026. Some examples of eligible projects include a one-time art event, a single performance, an exhibition, an educational workshop, or series of related arts activities such as art classes or training sessions that are open to the public whether free or for a fee. The purpose of the program is to provide broad access to arts opportunities throughout the state. Applicants may request up to $4,000 to support their project, and there is no match requirement.

Guidelines for the Arts Organization Support FY 26 have been released. The Arts Organization Support is a core grant program of the Indiana Arts Commission (IAC) that provides grant support for 501c3 Arts Organizations with 2 years of funding.  The goal of the Arts Organization Support Program is that a wide range of the state’s arts organizations can make high-quality artistic experiences available to both residents and visitors through equitably distributed and meaningful grant awards.

Ryan Shelton

Did you know? Nickel Plate Arts is becoming Noblesville Creates!

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