June 2017 Featured Partner Events

June 2017 Featured Partner Events

Each month, we gather information about our Featured Partners  and their upcoming events in one spot so that it’s easy for you to see what’s coming up.  That spot is right here!

Meyer-Najem Showcase Exhibit: Alys Caviness-Gober
June 1 – 30, viewing Monday – Friday during business hours
Meyer-Najem Construction, 11787 Lantern Road, Suite 100, Fishers, IN 46038
Noblesville Creates partner Meyer-Najem has transformed the second story of their beautiful new Fishers building into a bright, modern, open space, perfect for featuring the contemporary works of our local artists. With a passion for supporting the local arts community, Meyer-Najem will host art exhibits viewable to the public from 8am – 5pm, Monday – Friday. For the month of June, local artist and Indiana Arts Commission Grant Winner Alys Caviness-Gober will be displaying her collection of 14 paintings as a result of her Individual Artist Program Grant. “Life With Hidden Disabilities” features highly-textured, semi-abstract paintings that express some of the challenges faced by people with hidden disabilities. “Life With Hidden Disabilities” will be on display June 1st – June 30th, and the public is invited to attend an Artist’s Reception on Friday, June 9th from 6-7:30pm where light refreshments will be served.
Click here to learn more!

Noblesville Visitor’s Center Art Exhibit: Linda Tyler
June 1-30, Thurs.-Sun. 12-5 p.m.
Noblesville Visitor’s Center
Linda Tyler is a long time resident of Hamilton County, having moved here from Colorado in 1981 with her husband and two daughters, Tricia and Melanie. After her husband passed away she stayed in the area and was active in the local Girl Scout Council. She later worked for that council as a Membership Specialist and then Director of Program Development. Linda is a graduate of Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Design. Her passion for art became a serious endeavor when she retired from the Girl Scouts of Central Indiana in 2010, after a 21 year career. She started painting in watercolor in 1990 when she took a course in that medium at the Indianapolis Art Center with a friend. In 2011, Linda juried into the Hamilton County Artist’s Association and has had numerous positions with that organization. Last year she served as President of the Board and currently is an At Large member. Linda is also currently President of the Conner Prairie Alliance and sings in the choir at the Castleton United Methodist Church. (photos in image folder)
Click here to learn more! 

“We Are All Unique” Exhibit of HCAA Juried Members
June 1-29, Thurs/Fri: 12-4 & Sat: 10-4
HCAA’s Birdie Gallery, 5th & Cherry St.
“Unique” (www.rarechromo.org) is an organization that helps families affected by rare chromosome disorders.  HCAA Juried Artist Nicole Tredup’s daughter, Skylar, has been diagnosed with Microdeletion 17p.13.3 not MDS (that is the entire name!) and Unique has helped her family tremendously with research, what little there is, on Skylar’s disorder. Unique does not ask for membership dues from families. Their only requirement to join is verification of the diagnosis.
Tredup wants to help both HCAA and Unique. In June, HCAA’s month long exhibit will be “unique” artwork from HCAA juried members. Also, on June 17, HCAA will host a block party inviting everyone from the art community, the special needs community, and anyone else who wants to have a good time! There will be a silent auction, lunch, and activities. All proceeds from fundraising will go equally to HCAA (50%) and Unique (50%). Tredup’s hope is that she can bring recognition to both organizations!  
Click here to learn more!

Perfect Wedding
June 2-18, Fri. & Sat. at 8 p.m. and Sun. at 2 p.m.
The Belfry Theatre, Noblesville
$18 adults, $12 children 12 and under
A man wakes up in the bridal suite on his wedding morning to find an extremely attractive girl in his room.  In the depths of a stag night hangover he can’t even remember meeting her.  Before he can get her out,  his bride to be arrives  for the wedding.   In the ensuing panic, the girl is locked in the bathroom.  The best man is persuaded to claim her, but he gets confused and introduces the chambermaid to the bride as his date.  The crisis escalates to nuclear levels by the time the mother of the bride and the best man’s actual girlfriend arrive.  This rare combination of riotous farce and touching love story has provoked waves of laughter across Europe and America. Play by Robin Hawdon.
Click here to learn more!  or call 317-773-1085                            

Patch Adams
June 2, starts at dusk (approx 9:15 p.m.)
Forest Park, Noblesville – Shelter 1
This movie is brought to you by the Wafford Theater. Patch Adams is a PG-13 movie, 115 min. – Biography | Comedy | Drama which was nominated for 1 Oscar. Cast includes Robin Williams, Daniel London,Monica Potter, Philip Seymour Hoffman
Click here to learn more! 

The Philadelphia Story (1940)
June 9, starts at dusk (approx 9:15 p.m.)
Forest Park, Noblesville – Shelter 1
This movie is brought to you by the Wafford Theater. 112 min. – Comedy | Romance. Cast includes Katharine Hepburn, Cary Grant, James Stewart.
Click here to learn more!

Auditioning 1 – A Page & Stage Theatre Co. Summer Workshop
June 10, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Logan Street Sanctuary
Great actors will tell you, the point of an audition is not to get the part (something out of your control), but to get a callback (something you can control). Auditioning 1 will help you find an audition monologue or short piece, then give you the tools to polish it. Auditioning 1 also includes…
–  How and where to find the best audition pieces for your age, voice, and acting style.
–  How to time, cut, and rehearse a monologue, making sure you show off your best qualities as an actor!
–  Lists and resources for finding auditions in your area.
Ages: 4-18 and adults by appointment. Spike Wilson, Camp Director can be contacted at (765) 860-7557 or paulspikewilson@gmail.com.
Click here to learn more!

Auditioning  – A Page & Stage Theatre Co. Summer Workshop
June 10, 2-6 p.m.
Logan Street Sanctuary
Auditioning 2 focuses on what happens during the callback – scene work and cold reading. This workshop will teach you to read with volume, energy, and emotion, all while staying calm as possible. It will also teach you to make strong character choices that will impress any director! Practice one-on-one and in small groups, then go home with notes for improvement and growth.
Ages: 4-18 and adults by appointment. Spike Wilson, Camp Director can be contacted at (765) 860-7557 or paulspikewilson@gmail.com.
Click here to learn more!

Second Saturday Songwriters Showcase
June 10, 7 p.m.
Logan Street Sanctuary
$12 suggested donation
Every Second Saturday of the month, we welcome a few singer-songwriters to the LSS stage for a fun in-the-round style concert, sponsored by Butler Toyota.
We’ll be announcing June’s Second Saturday Songwriters Showcase line up soon, so stay tuned!
Click here to learn more!  

Curiosity Fair
June 10 & 11, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Conner Prairie
Included with admission
Kids and kids at heart are invited to play, create and investigate the mysteries of the world around them.
Click here to learn more! 

40th Annual St. Michael’s Strawberry Festival
June 16, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. & June 17, 11 a.m.-5 p.m.
Noblesville Square
We will serve our famous strawberry shortcakes with strawberries, ice cream, and whipped topping. This event is our biggest fundraiser of the year. Much of the funds will be used for Outreach programs for those in need in our community. Come join us!
Click here to learn more! 

August Rush (2007)
June 16, starts at dusk (approx 9:15 p.m.)
Forest Park, Noblesville – Shelter 1
This movie is brought to you by the Wafford Theater. August Rush is a PG movie, 114 min. – Drama | Music which was nominated for 1 Oscar. Cast includes Freddie Highmore, Keri Russell, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Robin Williams
Click here to learn more! 

Improv for Kids & Improv for Adults  – A Page & Stage Theatre Co. Summer Workshop
June 17, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. (ages 8-18), 2 – 6 p.m. (for 18+)
Logan Street Sanctuary
Do you love shows like Whose Line Is It Anyway? Well, that’s improv! Improvisation teaches you about comedy, characters, how plays are put together, ad libbing, and how to entertain an audience with only your body and voice. Want to improve your audition skills? This is for you! While kids will focus on fun and educational theatre games, adults will discover how improv games and events are put together. Spike Wilson, Camp Director can be contacted at (765) 860-7557 or paulspikewilson@gmail.com.
Click here to learn more! 

HCAA’s “We Are All Unique” Block Party
June 17, 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m.  
Hamilton County Artists’ Association
Join us in and around The Birdie Gallery for a Unique block party and fundraiser!
Click here to learn more! 

Projekt:Opera’s “Candlelight & Opera”
June 17,  5 p.m.
Ji-Eun Lee Music Academy (10029 E. 126th St., Fishers)
$50 per person, including dinner
Projekt:Opera presents an evening of music, dinner and candlelight. The show features live opera favorites accompanied by chamber orchestra. There will also be a silent auction to benefit Projekt:Opera and its next production, Rossini’s “The Barber of Seville”. Come and enjoy beautiful music in an intimate setting.
Click here to learn more!

June 19, 20, 21, & 22
Morning Session: M, T, W, Th 9:00 – 11:00am
Afternoon Session: M, T, W, Th 1:30 – 3:30 pm
HCAA’s Birdie Gallery, 5th and Cherry St.
$45.00 per child per session (all 4 days, kids 1st – 8th Grade)
Summer will be here before we know it, and our HCAA Juried Artist Members are already planning our popular Kids Art Camp, an annual four-day event in June! Our volunteer artists will work with your children as they create a variety of art projects grounded in traditions and techniques of fine arts. The same projects are done in the morning and in the afternoon. Please register your child for either the morning or the afternoon sessions.
Click here to learn more! 

Funny Face (1957)
June 23, starts at dusk (approx 9:15 p.m.)
Forest Park, Noblesville – Shelter 1
This movie is brought to you by the Wafford Theater. 103 min. – Comedy | Musical | Romance which was nominated for 4 Oscars. Cast includes Audrey Hepburn and Fred Astaire.
Click here to learn more! 

Sound and Lighting – A Page & Stage Theatre Co. Summer Workshop
June 24, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Logan Street Sanctuary
Are you more of a “techie” (backstage person) than an actor? Here, you will learn the basics of sound and lighting design, mixing, and implementation using miniatures. Effective sound and lighting can make any play, TV show, photo, or online video go from good to great! We’ll send you home with personalized digital photos and videos.
Ages: 10-18 and adults by appointment. Spike Wilson, Camp Director can be contacted at (765) 860-7557 or paulspikewilson@gmail.com.
Click here to learn more!

White River Sound’s Moonlight Serenade
June 24 2:00 pm
Fisher’s Library
White River Sound will sing music from the 40’s.  This event is free and open to the public.
Click here to learn more! 

Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken (1991)
June 30, starts at dusk (approx 9:15 p.m.)
Forest Park, Noblesville – Shelter 1
This movie is brought to you by the Wafford Theater. Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken is a Disney rated G movie 88 min. – Drama | Family | Romance. Cast includes Gabrielle Anwar, Cliff Robertson.
Click here to learn more! 


J.C. Seig