Mr. Muffin’s Trains is Making Tracks

Mr. Muffin’s Trains is Making Tracks

Building community in Atlanta, one train car at a time

Steve and Liz Nelson (aka Mr. and Mrs. Muffins)

Steve and Liz Nelson (aka Mr. and Mrs. Muffins)

Since 2012, people have gathered at Mr. Muffin’s Trains to hear the whiz of the trains going past, to marvel at the wall of brightly colored cars and to share in the model train craze. Steve and Liz Nelson (aka Mr. and Mrs. Muffins) own and operate this one-of-a-kind establishment, which features a museum-sized operating model train layout enjoyed by families and visitors.

As an active member of the Train Collectors Association and the Lionel Collectors Club of America, and a regular contributor to several online hobby forums, Steve Nelson has built a national reputation. The Nelsons show, sell and service O gauge (a common size designation) model trains manufactured by Lionel, MTH Electric Trains and Atlas Model Railroading Company. Routinely, hobbyists from across the Midwest travel to Mr. Muffin’s Trains to see the display and make purchases.

muffinstrains2Mr. Muffin’s Trains has gained such popularity that it keeps outgrowing its space, and during summer 2016 will be moving from Carmel to its third location, a spacious building in downtown Atlanta, Ind. Relocating to Atlanta provides the opportunity to bring together hobbyists and artists interested a common vision for Indiana families, promoting a sense of community through hands-on activities and the arts.

The Nelsons are actively seeking people interested in participating in creating family activities in Atlanta. They plan to continue developing the town as a destination location by attracting and supporting local artists through their partnership with Noblesville Creates. Partnering with us, the Nelsons hope to host several artists interested in locating their studios in downtown Atlanta.

It is also a hope of the Nelsons to provide job training and part-time employment for developmentally challenged teenagers and young adults. With their drive, enthusiasm and passion, Steve and Liz Nelson will undoubtedly continue to make the communities we live in magnificent. To learn more about Mr. Muffin’s Trains visit

To get involved with the Nelsons’ project in Atlanta, contact Aili McGill at


Ailithir McGill