New Comic: Yuri Duncan’s MegaOmega


New Comic: Yuri Duncan’s MegaOmega

Here at Noblesville Creates, we are lucky to work with a wide variety of artists in our network through exhibits, classes, and events. Our annual Comic Book in a Day event gives us the opportunity to meet dozens of comic book artists from both amateur and professional levels. One such artist, Yuri Duncan, has participated in our event for four years in a row, and we have enjoyed getting to know him and learning about his work.

After creating and publishing an array of comic stories over the last 10 years, we were excited to hear that Duncan recently published his first new comic book, “MegaOmega.” Duncan says the project, presented as a series of short stories, began as “an attempt to document people throughout history that have achieved some degree of ‘enlightenment,’ ideally through the creative process.” Naturally, both his theme and the book itself expanded as he researched topics like music, science fiction, and spirituality, reflecting his own interests over the last few years. Duncan looked to notable figures like author Philip K. Dick, jazz musician John Coltrane, Reiki founder Dr. Mikao Usui and others for inspiration, but his research of psychedelic band Vinyl Williams took him on an exciting, unsuspected path.

“I listen to music while I work, and the music of Vinyl Williams was a consistent soundtrack through the project.  I’d read where VW had been incorporating mysticism spirituality into the actual recording process itself and figured the band would make a great addition to the book.  I took a chance and reached out via Facebook, and before long, I was exchanging texts with Lionel Williams himself (he IS Vinyl Williams) and the result was a 7-page story that sort of outlines his views on the universe and our place in it.”

Cover of “MegaOmega” by Yuri Duncan

MegaOmega is set to debut at Indianapolis’ Gluestick Fest, an event celebrating zines and DIY/zine culture, on July 7th at Fay Biccard Glick Neighborhood Center. After its release, MegaOmega will be available for purchase online and at Indianapolis-area comic book shops.

To learn more about Yuri Duncan and his work, visit

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