06 Jun Noblesville Theater Study Summary
In the 4th quarter of 2022, in response to interest from our arts community and staff at the City of Noblesville, we surveyed 14 local theater organizations and 31 individuals about their current and future operating needs. We also researched 36 venues in 11 Statewide Cultural Districts and 4 additional communities. We will share the full slide deck of our results on our website soon, but here is a summary:
Existing Noblesville Theater groups struggle to access space. Their business plans and cultural impact are limited by the spaces they can access. The majority would want to use a Noblesville public theater venue at least once a year.
In the other Cultural Districts around the state, the majority have large performing arts centers that include multiple venues and are operated by or in cooperation with the local arts agency.
Currently, the average Noblesville-area theater group is staging 4 to 5 productions per season with between 4 and 8 performances per production.
This range also appears to be the ideal goal for most groups.
There are several groups that are not currently producing shows that would like to be staging 3 or more shows with multiple performances in the near future, if they had access to affordable performance space.
If the respondents to our survey could all produce their ideal seasons, Noblesville would host 50 theatrical productions each year.
We asked “What would be the ideal number of seats (audience size) for your performances?”
Responses ranged from 100-600.
A theater with 400-600 seats should serve the needs of most of our existing theater groups in the future.
Currently, there are many challenges facing theater groups in Noblesville:
The most frequent response from groups was that there is insufficient or no access to performance space. Additionally, groups noted these challenges:
- No access to adequate rehearsal space
- No access to build space for sets
- Inadequate time in the performance
space to load in, hang lights, run tech - Prohibitive cost of renting performance and
rehearsal space - A lack of funding for productions in general
As we think ahead to a future that might include new theaters or theater spaces in downtown Noblesville, there are important questions to consider:
- Will there be adequate time for rehearsal in the space?
- Will load-in and load-out of shows be efficient and effective?
- Will there be access to shop space for building sets and props?
- Will there be adequate storage space for set, props, and costumes?
- Will there be high-quality lighting and sound equipment available and will it be professionally maintained?
- Will the space be physically accessible to all?
- Will the space be affordable for rehearsal and performances?
- Will there be adequate marketing & social media?
- How far out can shows be scheduled?
- How will the theater be staffed?
Read the full report by clicking here.
We will continue to work with the City of Noblesville and local theater groups to develop solutions for these challenges and grow our local theater culture! New spaces for theater and other performing arts are a critical component of the future of our Cultural Arts District!