01 Mar NOW PRESENTING: “Explore – A Trip Around the World” – March Showcase of Alyssa Overton
Sunshine and happiness seem to emanate from Alyssa Overton because that is who she is. From her humble Crayola-on-wallpaper beginnings, through her years of handmade creations in 4-H, and now as a proud business owner and artist, happiness is Alyssa. “Putting joy, life, and beauty on paper and canvas is what I love most.”
Homeschooled as a child, Alyssa took a variety of art lessons during her middle and high school years because she had already decided what she wanted to be when she grew up—an artist.
Winning several grand champion awards for her drawings in 4-H, Alyssa focused on a variety of skills such as photography, candle making, sewing, painting, drawing, and jewelry making. It’s hard to say whether her spark came from 4-H or if she already had it burning inside her, but she brought all of these mediums to her professional life. “The process of making something and having it critiqued by a judge gave me tough skin,” she says, which helped her learn to take criticism on her work. Without that experience, “it would’ve made it harder to become a small business owner and an artist.”
Alyssa finds inspiration in the moment, whether it’s a photo sent from a friend on travel, an idea popping into her head, or what she is seeing at any given time—when it’s right, the urge to create strikes. When seized by an idea, she will sit for hours at a time until her piece is finished. “I work on it straight until it’s done, then I eat and breathe.”
This is her second solo show; her first was a 2020 exhibit at Southside Art League, where she teaches children’s art classes. While she had several art teachers during her formative years, Alyssa is drawn to Lee Hammond and her books, which she uses in her classes at Southside Art League. The similarities between Alyssa and Lee are uncanny as both share a passion for so many different forms of creative expression. It’s no wonder Alyssa is drawn to Lee’s books.
In the exhibition titled “Explore: A Trip Around the World,” Alyssa invites you to take a journey with her to discover new places, find exotic wildlife, soak in the beauty of nature, and see the world through an artist’s eyes. Using a wide variety of mediums from paint to pastels and pen and ink, this showcase is rife with color and life. Pastels are her current favorite medium due to the versatility they offer and the rich colors available. “Lately, I’ve been loving color, so I’ve been doing a lot of work with pastel, because I love throwing color on there.”
“I had to miss out on two trips due to the pandemic,” Alyssa explains, “so this exhibit is very much for me, as well as anyone else who yearns to travel but cannot.” See Alyssa’s exhibit in the Stephenson House on Noblesville Creates campus from March 5-27 during regular business hours or visit her virtual gallery.
Meet Alyssa in person at her reception on Saturday, March 6 from 5pm-8pm. You will need to sign up in advance to reserve your spot! Click here for more info.