10 Oct October 2017 Featured Partner Events
Each month, we gather information about our Featured Partners and their upcoming events in one spot so that it’s easy for you to see what’s coming up. That spot is right here!
Noblesville Visitor’s Center Art Exhibit: Michael Jack
October 1-31, Fri.-Sun. 12-5 p.m.
Noblesville Visitor’s Center
Michael has always been interested in cars, racing, and airplanes. About 30 years ago, he aligned those interests with photography and took hundreds of images of aircraft and race cars. A few years after this, Michael had a chance to drive on a race track and got hooked. After participating in a few driving schools, taking Skip Barber’s Competition Driving Program, obtaining a SCCA competition license, and competing in some races, driving became a very serious hobby–so serious, that when his professional career required a 60-80 hours a week commitment, one hobby had to go, and that was photography. After retiring a bit early, Michael decided to cut back on race track activities and pick back up on his photography hobby. Now photography is more than a hobby for Michael. It is something he is passionate about. Michael’s interest in photography is centered on landscapes, architecture and automobiles. In each area he tries to capture the ordinary in a distinctive manner to draw the viewer into the scene. The uniqueness could be the result of weather, lighting or time of day or it could be a view or perspective that adds a different dimension and feel to a particular scene. Michael uses varied amounts of post processing to enhance the purpose of the image, but aims to keep the final result looking pleasing, but realistic. Michael is a member of several local camera clubs, a juried member of the Hamilton County Artists’ Association, and a member of the Photographic Society of America.
More info click here
Our Creative Community Exhibit
Oct. 3 – 31, Mon – Fri., 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Noblesville City Hall, South Corridor
Our Creative Community is an open call-out for Hamilton County artists to exhibit work that will be seen by the general public in the South Corridor of Noblesville’s City Hall. The annual invitation is extended to the community by the HCAA to support and promote the talent of our local artists. Information, deadlines, and appropriate contact persons are included in the information on the HCAA website. Entrants are asked to fill out an application, but there is no fee for this opportunity.
More info click here
3rd Annual NICE Noblesville Interdisciplinary Creativity Expo
October 6 & 7, doors open at 6 p.m.
Logan Street Sanctuary
FREE ~ donations accepted at the door to support Logan Street Sanctuary
We are THRILLED to announce the dates for our 3rd Annual NICE two-night event,
which will be held on Friday, October 6th, and Saturday, October 7th! Doors open at 6:00pm for mingling and shopping, presentations begin at 7:00pm.
Alys Caviness-Gober and Sarah E. Morin created NICE (Noblesville Interdisciplinary Creativity Expo) for two reasons: to breathe new life into classic literature by encouraging creative people to reinterpret key literary passages, and to provide a place for them to create and share their work. NICE is not a contest, it is a safe and positive place to give and receive encouragement from local creative artists and art fans. NICE encourages inspired expression in all creative forms (visual arts, music, writing, etc), so let your imagination run wild! Email or Mail Entry Form to Logan Street Sanctuary. Entry Forms due September 23, 2017
More info: www.facebook.com/NICE.Noblesville.Interdisciplinary.Creativity.Expo/
HCAA’s 67th Annual Fall Exhibit & Sale
Oct. 13 -24, Mon-Thurs 9AM–9PM, Fri. 9 a.m.–7 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m.–5 p.m., Sun. 1–5p.m.
Carmel Public Library
This is the 67th annual premier exhibit of the Hamilton County Artists’ Association held to give the public an opportunity to view and purchase work from the group’s juried artists. Included in the exhibit are 2D, 3D, and photography mediums, including paintings, wood furniture and vessels, photography, weavings, and textile creations. The public is cordially invited to enjoy an afternoon of light refreshments, painting demonstrations, and music during the Sunday afternoon reception on October 15 from 2-4 p.m. All work included in the exhibit will be for sale.
More info click here
Second Saturday Songwriters Showcase
October 14, 7 p.m.
Logan Street Sanctuary
$15 suggested donation
Every Second Saturday of the month, we welcome a few singer-songwriters to the LSS stage for a fun in-the-round style concert. We’ll be announcing October’s Second Saturday Songwriters Showcase line up soon, so stay tuned!
More info click here
Artist Halloween Contest
September 28, 6-8 p.m.
Caravan Classes
More info. & sign up click here