18 Jul Press Release: Fishers Arts Council’s 2018 Exhibit Season
The Fishers Arts Council is pleased to announce its 2018 Art in City Hall Exhibit Season. Each month, there will be a new exhibit of artwork reflecting a variety of topics relative to the City of Fishers and offered by the residents of Fishers and the surrounding metropolitan area. The exhibits are open to the general public during regular business hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. In addition to these hours, a reception is generally held for the participating artists at some point during the exhibit, usually from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. And, most artwork is available for purchase.
In 2018, we are excited to announce 10 exhibits starting in January with “The Art of Design,” a unique approach to what an art center might look like in Fishers. While there is no plan for such a center, the students and their professor have provided a good focal point for discussion. This exhibit is on the 2nd floor of Fishers City Hall until January 29th.
“The Art of Design” exhibit will be followed by a tabletop display chronology of events and persons of color in honor of February as Black History Month. The work is presented by junior high school students at Fall Creek Junior High School. This work will be on display during the month of February. A February reception for the students is planned for February 5th (6:00 -8 :00 p.m.), but the date is still tentative.
March brings an entire month of activity in recognition of Disabilities Awareness. The art in city hall will be from disabled artists throughout the local communities. In addition, a contest will be held at all the Hamilton Southeastern Schools soliciting art work from the general student population addressing the theme, “Share Your Story.” One winner from each school level will be selected for display at the March 2nd reception (6:00 – 8:00 p.m.) open to the public.
April-May will feature another student display of artwork from students of Fishers High School and Hamilton Southeastern High School. This will be a juried exhibit and awards will be presented at a May reception. That date has not been determined.
June will feature the work of the Indiana Artists Association led by their president James Hubbard. The organization is 150 strong, and James anticipates they will have between 60-80 artists participate. All artwork will be available for purchase during the show. A reception date is tentatively scheduled for Saturday or Sunday, June 2nd or 3rd.
The July exhibit will coincide with the Fishers Arts Crawl on Friday, July 13th. The exhibit will feature the artwork of the Hamilton County Artists Association based in Noblesville. There are more than 100 artists who are part of this organization. Again, their work will be available for purchase.
August will feature portraits and artwork from the Conner Prairie’s private museum collection alongside artwork from local artists depicting scenes of individuals and life on the prairie. Plan to view “Life on the Prairie” between August 1st and August 29th.
For the month of September, world travelers John Cinnamon and Ann Craig-Cinnamon will display a photo exhibit that captures the people, iconic places, events, and animals from the 100+ countries they have visited. Plan to attend the reception on Friday, September 7th for an adventure that will take you around the world and through many cultures.
October will celebrate the changing of the seasons with “Bountiful Harvest,” featuring artwork that depicts the many views of Indiana’s scenic agricultural landscapes and farms. A reception will take place on October 5th at a time to-be-determined.
The final exhibit of 2018 will display from November – December, showcasing beautiful winter scenes from a variety of local artists and backgrounds. “Winter Wonderland” will be viewable to the public from November 5th – December 27th.
The Fishers Arts Council is still soliciting artwork for upcoming exhibits. For more exhibit details or questions about submitting, email Shari Knox at sknox0031@comcast.net or Tom Rich at thomasrich1952@gmail.com.
Updated on 7/19/2018 to include more exhibit details.