Stephenson Showcase: Streets of Gold by Frederick Durham

Stephenson Showcase: Streets of Gold by Frederick Durham

“Streets of Gold,” our June Stephenson House exhibit, showcases the photography of Frederick Durham.

Frederick Durham, Photographer
Instagram @fredovisuals

Receiving his first digital camera from his grandfather sparked Frederick’s fascination with photography at a young age. “[He] was the one who got me started: got me a camera, got me a printer, got it instilled in me young. I ventured away, but it stayed with me. He wasn’t a professional photographer but he is one I look up to.”

While going to Vincennes University for web design, Frederick felt it really wasn’t what he wanted to do. “My mom put in my ear, ‘You like to take pictures, go for photography.’” He picked his camera up and never turned back. He came home after spending a semester in the dark room working on black-and-white film. He transferred to Ivy Tech and shifted his focus to digital photography.

Frederick enjoys both film and digital styles, it just depends on his time and what he feels like creating. “Film is more time consuming, but with digital, I like to capture a lot of colors. I can be more specific and make different adjustments in that time and moment. Personally, I do a lot of my adjustments right then and there in the camera, so when I go into the editing process, there’s not as much work [left to do].”

One subject Frederick never tires of capturing is landscapes. “Not everyone sees the world the same way. People walk past simple things and don’t realize how beautiful they really are. I like to capture those items. I want everyone to have a warm feeling, to bring that joy into everyone’s heart. I shoot for a lot of color, as color always brings you joy.”

How Soon, photo by Frederick Durham

“Streets of Gold” will be on display in the Stephenson house on Noblesville Creates campus from June 4-26 during regular business hours. A reception will be held on Saturday June 12, from 5pm-8pm. Details can be found here.

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