25 Jan Chili Cookoff
From 2-5pm
At Blackhawk Winery and Vineyard
28153 Ditch Rd., Sheridan, IN 46069
John Miller / (317) 771-2262, john@blackhawkwinery.com
Do you make a great chili? Is it a chicken chili? Maybe vegan? Have you ever tried PUMPKIN chili? Some like spicy chili....others like chili with pasta. Whatever your recipe, make your best batch and bring it out to the winery for a chili cookoff. We will have prizes for people's choice, most unique, and Blackhawk favorite. Don't want to make chili? That's ok too! We need judges!! Register to be either a judge or a chef. All chefs will be allowed to judge as well. All registrations and chili samples are free. We will work with the chefs in advance to plan a wine that would pair well with each chili too. No need to make a reservation. . . .all are welcome!
Sign up to bring a chili or be a judge here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/chili-cookoff-2023-tickets-515255151027