Stephenson Showcase: Every Picture Tells a Story by Marianne Glick

Stephenson Showcase: Every Picture Tells a Story by Marianne Glick

Many Noblesville Creates supporters are familiar with Marianne Glick’s colorful, contemporary, abstract paintings, frequently featuring nature – landscapes, seascapes, cityscapes, or flowers. Well, hold on to your hats because Marianne is featuring something completely new in her July exhibit at the Stephenson House – faces!   

Marianne was inspired by the face of a woman that she saw in a magazine. She thought it was an interesting face which led her to find more interesting faces. Each of her paintings features an abstract background, with layers on top that give an intriguing, mysterious effect. She said the technique conveys personality and emotion. 

Marianne Glick

She uses a variety of techniques including negative painting where you outline a shape (in this case, a face) and fade the paint around that shape, surrounding it with a darker color. She also uses wire sculpture in a collage effect, along with ink and acrylic.

Marianne says, “The pieces are different than anything I’ve ever seen before. It’s really entirely new – even for people who have seen my work in the past.”

And that’s exciting not only for fans of her work, but for Marianne herself. “I’m really jazzed. With all that’s gone on in the past year or so, I haven’t felt this creative in a while,” Marianne added, “This collection has really caused a spark that has reignited my passion for painting.”

While Marianne has always enjoyed art, she didn’t become an artist herself until she was retired. “I hope this inspires other people at a transition period in their life,” she said. “So many people say that they can’t paint. If I can start at 55, then, yes, you can too. And it can give you a lot of pleasure. “

Marianne’s exhibit will be at the Stephenson House throughout the month of July during regular business hours. Her reception will be held July 16th from 5:30-7:30 pm. Come learn the stories behind the pictures.

Adam Goldsmith

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